Zsa Zsa Gabour is sat on a sofa with her PA.
ZZ : $10million dollars gone! Wiped out! I'm ruined.
PA : It's terriable Zsa Zsa. That Madoff fella has got a lot to answer for.
ZZ : I just don't believe it, Darling
PA : I mean fancy preying on rich folks and then just running away with their money.
ZZ : Umm....yes well. Anyway there is just one thing for it.
PA : What?
ZZ : I'm going to have to get married again.
PA : But your 92!
ZZ : I've still got my looks you know Darling. Right lets draw up a list of contenders. How about Charlton Heston?
PA : Dead, I'm afraid.
ZZ : Oh dear. What about Paul Newman then. Paulie was always very keen on me.
PA : Dead too, unfortunately.
ZZ : Patrick McGoohan?
PA : Nope.
ZZ : Bloody Hell, I'm going to have to take up necrophilia at this rate!
PA : That's what your last husband said.
ZZ : What? You have to speak up you know I'm a bit deaf.
PA : What's that smell?
ZZ :That'll be my colostomy bag. We'll change it after we sort out my new husband.
PA: Hello Miss Gabour's PA speaking.
PA: Wow, I don't believe it. It's Daniel Craig on the phone. He wants to you take you out to dinner. How do you do it?
ZZ : Daniel Craig?
PA: Yeah. James Bond himself.
ZZ: Tell him to piss off. I'm not marrying a minger you know.