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Channel 4 Submissions - Pay to Play ? Page 2

If anyone wants to send Sootyj a crisp £20 note, I'll mentor you, give you my exclusive industry contacts (a copy of the yellow pages with a for agents highlighted) and send out a high quality magazine of me drawing pictures of willies and boobies.

Quote: sootyj @ January 24 2009, 1:36 PM GMT

If anyone wants to send Sootyj a crisp £20 note, I'll mentor you, give you my exclusive industry contacts (a copy of the yellow pages with a for agents highlighted) and send out a high quality magazine of me drawing pictures of willies and boobies.

I'll undercut you Sooty. I can knock these pics out for a tenner a throw. Jizz splashes are an extra 50p each.


"Weally bwilliant!"


Sorry Lee my picture of an ugly cock is superior.

i also recommend shooting people, I got a few contacts with them and won a prize too!

Quote: ContainsNuts @ January 24 2009, 9:36 PM GMT

i also recommend shooting people, I got a few contacts with them and won a prize too!

I tried shooting people and got 3 life sentences.

Stabbing people is much better for sketch writers, but hasn't got the industry profile.
Beating people to death with a frozen snook and then eating them, is a very good site though.

Strikes me that if this "opportunity" was to be examined in the cold light of day then it would be difficult to actually see the practical and beneficial substance of the offer for all the barge pole marks.

I think that two currys might well be a more judicious use of 49 squiddly diddleys.

Quote: sootyj @ January 24 2009, 10:54 AM GMT

And not be innundated with
" Mi bestest shitcom on frendz but the Jenifer Aniston has itz titz out"

You been reading my post again? It's £49 squids for an industry type magazine. Take it or leave it. I shall be leaving it and spending my money on yet another subscription to a porn web site.

Could we not invite the sender of this email ( I didn't get it ) to join us on this forum and then we could ask them all our questions.

We get our answers and they get honest feedback?

Quote: Griff @ January 25 2009, 3:01 PM GMT

Bigfella - I'm pretty sure they'll be reading already. This website is very widely read by industry people.

In which case! I'm ready and available folks!!!!! Come and get me!!!

I won't hold my breath :)

Quote: Griff @ January 24 2009, 11:16 AM GMT

Splodge are these good for writing opportunities then?

You do get the occasional advert from production companies looking for question writers for gameshows, script writers for programmes etc (there's one on there at the moment from a production company looking for an 'experienced wildlife script writer'), but I'd say that roughly 99% of the adverts are for the more typical industry positions.

Quote: ContainsNuts @ January 24 2009, 9:36 PM GMT

i also recommend shooting people, I got a few contacts with them and won a prize too!

I signed up for Shooting People for a year and checked it every day or so, but it seemed to me almost entirely London-centric (which I'm sure isn't an issue for most of you guys) and therefor all but useless to a lowly north-dweller like me. Is this still the case?

Also, as far as the issue in hand:

- Won't the magazine just be that 4Talent magazine that Ch4 put out every quarter or so? It's a good read, but most of the more interesting features/interviews are on their website.

- By the looks of the e-mail it seems that only those they've dealt with in the past are being invited. If so, then they're shooting themselves in the foot as far as getting enough cash to run it. If not, where is the exclusivity?

- The e-mail gives the impression that they are generating opportunities, which would be great but how are they going to fund them? If they are only showing opportunities by other companies, then - like a bunch of you have said - then there are a dozen other sites that'll divulge that info for free.

I'm not down on the whole concept - I'm just a little unclear at the moment.

Yeah, my query to them (C4) was on the variety of opportunities that'd be offered in this new scheme - eg regional or londoncentric? A certain level of experience required? They used the phrase 'market ready' which I think is different from 'back of the fag packet' ideas.

Greetings BCGers! Thanks to the wonder that is Google Alerts, have just recently picked up this topic/thread - and its [recently closed] successor - and thought I'd flag up that you should look at the FAQ section on the Not From Concentrate website for the answers to most, if not all of your questions.

And as a bit of back history, a year ago - reeling from the rubbish decision to can 4Talent Networks - we [the ex 4TN team and I] resolved to find a way to carry on the good work and legacy of this C4 initiative [searching out, showcasing and linking new under-the-radar talent with commissioning departments and production companies] but under our own steam as a sustainable business proposition.

Our first stab was pretty much what was proposed in the opening email from the top of this thread - basically replicating the best bits [and improving/evolving the others] of what we did before and charging a [nominal] subscription fee to members of this 'club'.

It soon became fairly obvious that to try and replicate this model without [initial, and possible continued] capital investment was going to be nigh on impossible - and given our experiences of funders 'pulling the plug' without warning this was a route that we'd feel uncomfortable going down.

So over the next six or seven months, we evolved the the concept, scaled back the initial ambition and came up with what you can currently see on the Not From Concentrate website, namely a new talent agency, that [uniquely] opens its doors to ANY aspiring creatives - primarily folk with IDEAS for [multi]media content formats across any genre - and then works with those individuals to help shape and refine [or possibly reject] those ideas and then take the best ideas to the marketplace for future development, commission and - ultimately production.

Based on our previous experiences, we KNOW that there are amazing ideas out there - way off the radar of the [closed-shop] Establishment and we're aiming to shake things up a bit and bring innovative, fresh new voices to the attention of the industry.

So we're looking for IDEAS, quality, well-structured, properly thought out ideas, rather than rambling unstructured ones and to help the individual shape them - via the information and checklist contained in the Starter Pack - and when / if the idea looks like it's promising and could have value in the marketplace, then people can book a one-on-one media consultation with one of our team of production & development 'mentors' to further explore the concept and discuss the next steps. Both these levels are paid-for services that we offer, which we hope - in fact we've already seen - will bring out and approach the development of cracking raw ideas for content in a professional manner.

Again, full details on the website. Basically, this side of the business model puts the onus on the individual - and acts as a natural filter - and, talking of filters, we're also going out to industry - producers/commissioners - and asking them to [pay to] set creative 'briefs' which the Not From Concentrate community can respond to. We basically manage the whole solicit, filter out the non-runners and then deliver back a pre-determined number of candidates and their ideas for further exploration/development.

Plus on top of all that, we're working up our plans for live events: workshops, seminars, Q&A sessions etc - a mix of paid-for and free - all designed to provide a platform for new talent / innovators / ideaspeople and opportunities to mix with like-minded individuals and industry bods.

Hope all this helps clarify things. We think most of the questions have been covered in the FAQs and throughout the site - - but happy to answer any more that arise either here, via the ubiquitous Facebook group [search for Not From Concentrate and look for the logo avatar] and - coming soon - our very own forum.

Cheers for now


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