Seems like they're trying to make it sound exclusive and uses talent/proven track record but really it's open to anyone willing to spend £50 a year. The 'benefits' seem to be what you get for free on Writersroom. And what happens if only 10 people sign up?
Channel 4 Submissions - Pay to Play ?
Sounds desperate and for that reason "I'm out".
£49 isn't so much and frankly writers room is a dead end.
I'd need to see more details but if this was a way of getting your stuff seen could be worth it?
For that money, I would want a job section that rivalled Production Base/Broadcast Freelancer. If they could offer that then £49 would be alright with me...
Maybe BSG should charge? I'd pay a fiver to be able to sayv "I don't pay money to be treated like that,"
When Aaron corrects my English in a racist manner.
I'm with Sooty on this one. If you can pay monthly by dd you won't even notice the money. You would get rid of a lot of the less serious writers. And some of the things like the online mentoring sound pretty good.
Granted the schemes list is good but no better than LSCW or even good old BSG. And the BBC provides real open door opportunities, which no other broadcaster does.
I suppose I'm more concerened that it might turn out to be like a certain organisation with a fancy name. A cheque clearing house with a rubbish conference.
The magazine sounded well dodgy....
Okay, lets go through and see what we get for our £49.
* Premium multimedia editorial packed with industry insights - Don't care.
* A beautiful 100-page magazine sent direct to your doorstep - I'd want it to go through my letterbox actually, but agree with griff this will be useless, full of adverts etc.
* Regular, real-world creative briefs to respond to - We find out about these anyway.
* A space to share knowledge and connect with like-minded peers - We have this here.
* A destination for your unsolicited, back-of-a-fag-packet ideas - So they are saying if you don't pay we don't look at your stuff.
* Online mentoring and feedback to develop those ideas
* Networking events and workshops with the best in the business
It's these last two that interest me the most. If these were done well then that would be worth by £49 alone. BUT the question is would they be done well?
I'd rather have neither and just a well put together website with fequent updates.
The whole thing is how seriously you are taken by the industry.
And I suspect at that stage the Writers Guild already provides oportunities for writers and producers like that.
I'm signed onto Shooting People and they get tonnes of opportunities and email them out, some of them very good. Well worth the price of the subscription.
The sticky point for me is should the Beeb or some one similar run an insiders only website? e.g. no broadcast credit (even a Tilt sketch) no admission. I realise I'm excluding my self here and I know we've had this discussion.
But I like the idea of a site I can at some point join where a radio/TV producer can go knowing everyone has at least proved their chops. And not be innundated with
" Mi bestest shitcom on frendz but the Jenifer Aniston has itz titz out"
Kinda like those illegal imigrants who hang out by the road waiting for work.
If you want a non glossy industry newspaper for free, just pop into Yalding House, or Western House on a Wednesday and pretend that you're staff - there's always loads of them on the front desk that you can get your hand on before Security chuck you out.
And 4laughs briefs may once have been great, but in the end they were more trouble than they were worth.
Mundo Jazz you owe me money you wankers!
I suppose I am looking for a club that wouldn't have a person like me for a member.
They cover lots of stuff some of it very end and yes lots of film school stuff. I'll forward you an e-mail.
The only reason I don't do stuff with them is I am tragically lazy and antiscocial.
Plus no one wants to film
"Lassie Black Beauty forbidden love,"
yeah let us know splodge. Sooty any chance I could have a nosey at the email from Shooting people, please. I was thinking of maybe signing up there.
Oh and if you want to pm me the details about what MJ owes I might be able to help.
IMO this £49 thing sounds like a bit of a joke. The whole pitch makes my skin crawl. It's the whole 'commercial sector' aspect of it. Sounds to me like 4 have sold on the details of subscribers to a company who will take briefs from businesses who need promo vids etc, and then charge them to see the ideas which you have paid to give them.
it's not even a Channel 4 project. it just says they are prepared to endorse it. what the juice does that mean?
the whole pitch is written in a way that's designed to flatter you into thinking they want you. they don't they just want your money.
that's what I think. Although I have been wrong. often.
Does that make sense?
The email smacks of desperation doesn't it? I can see what they're trying to do but they've got no chance of finding enough subscribers to make it worth their while.
There isn't anything in that list you can't do yourself for free, except maybe the "industry insider" magazine thing but that's Broadcast.
No sir, I shall be spending my £49 on things more conducive to a writer's needs, like fags and vodka.