"What do you mean I'm too foxy?"
Write gag/pun to this pic for Greeting Card No 17 Page 2

I know this goes against all the laws of nature, but I never studied law!

Roger went like a rabbit all night.
I hop you enjoyed all the sex.

Of course I cleaned my teeth!
Is that a carrot in your trousers or are you just pleased to see me?

Roger the rabbit would hop into bed with everyone.

Roger had had enough of carrots, tonight he was hoping for a bit of stick.
She was Starkers, he's from a Hutch. All they needed was a huggy...bare.
"Darling, I hate to say this, but have you thought about seeing an orthodontist?"
If I don't chew constantly, my teeth will curve back into my brain.
Really? I thought that only happened to us rabbits. Huh.
There had been some serious lay-offs of the staff at 'Pampered Pets'...
Benjamin Bunny never quite felt comfortable with Debbie since she said that if they argued, she would let him stew.

I specifically ordered the Duracell bunny!!!
Flopsy's eyesight was never the same after the experiments at the lab.