Fluffy always gets the munchies during Amnesty International candle-lit vigils.
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Bob's attempts at hitch-hiking were severely let down by his cryptic cardboard sign.

Sh!t, it's only been up less than 1 hour... 5 pages already!
I said I wanted ginger in the the cake not on it.

[quote name="swerytd" post="354198" date="January 21 2009, 12:15 PM GMT]"Margot! You're not gonna believe this! My shirt sleeve is fraying!"[/quote]
Wedding cakes across the region are still going missing. Police say the only evidence is a trail of small ginger hairs...Chris Evans has been called in for questioning...
He's eaten a whole pimp and he's starting on his hat now.
Percy loved a bit of blue every now and then...
It was the first time Brian's wife had heard her pussy was the icing on the cake.
That cat misses your mum terribly...he's still holding a candle for her.
Derek didn't usually go for ginger's, but pussy was pussy...
That pussy of yours is getting its fill tonight...
Kitty, the office secretary's leaving cake was gone in a flash...
Tiddles was like a cat that had got the cream, sponge AND the icing.
DEREK; The cake's only gone and barfed up a cat!