When I said I wanted some pussy jumping out of a cake for my birthday, I didn't mean this!
When I said I wanted some pussy jumping out of a cake for my birthday, I didn't mean this!
That's it - I'm sick of being one of those mental people who live in a rubbish-riddled, faeces-ridden dump with 24 cats.
The poor little bastard didn't know that by eating Mavis' cake he'd just wiped out 8 of his 9 lives.
This was the worst Stag do ever... 'Kitty Cream Licker' turned out to be more than just a stage name...
You think this is bad, just wait till he hits the 'terrible two's'...
Audrey couldn't resist playing practical jokes with her realistic sugar paste cake decorations.
It look's like Ascot's buggered this year darling.
I'll give him f**king name the cat!
I thought this cat was good at micing not icing!
Well that just takes the cake!
It seemed a perculiar way to get Fluffy to eat his worm tablet, but it was the only method that worked.
I'm so f**king shocked, my eyebrows have left my head.