A slightly lighthearted tribute to a very very good pilot.
To the tune of SINGING IN THE RAIN
Doo-dloo-doo-doo-doo-doo (F/X: SPLASH)...
It's hard landing a plane
On a river – it's a pain
I'd prefer a runway
To a shipping lane
Got hit by some birds
Some loud bangs were heard
Both engines blew up
What terrible luck
(or: Perhaps it was ducks)
The plane had no thrust
- Engines are a must
We quickly went down
Full-of-fuel – could combust
It was quite a crash
Or should I say splash
From gliding and
Landing in a plane
In a shipping lane
Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah
Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah
I've made myself a name
Crew are breathing again
And I'm a hero, deserving of the fame
(VO: Chelsey Sullenber III)