Prince Harry is stood in his army uniform in the General's office, the General is sat behind his desk.
General : You know why your here don't you Harry.
Harry : Yes Sir.
General : Tell me boy.
Harry : I've let Granma down, I've let Father down, I've Wills down, I've let the country down, I've let the army down and most importantly I've let myself down.
General : You most certainly have. Britain is a multi-racial country – comments like yours are not to be tolerated.
Harry : No Sir.
General : Words like that are very hurtful to our Asian Community. You're on a slippery slope here son.
Harry : Yes Sir, sorry Sir.
General : Next thing we know you'll be using the N word. You're a Prince not a gangster rapper. Try to behave like one.
Harry : It won't happen again Sir.
General : That's what you said after the "jackboot" incident and here you are in my office again.
Harry : I know Sir, I'll do better. Send me to Iraq Sir, I need to become a hero again.
General : Iraq? How can I send you to Iraq? You used the R word! You'll be calling them camel jockeys next. Look boy you just need to be more aware of causing offence to minority groups.
Harry : Yes Sir.
General : Right we'll say no more about it. Piss off out my office then you little ginger runt.