British Comedy Guide

A General Ticking Off

Prince Harry is stood in his army uniform in the General's office, the General is sat behind his desk.

General : You know why your here don't you Harry.

Harry : Yes Sir.

General : Tell me boy.

Harry : I've let Granma down, I've let Father down, I've Wills down, I've let the country down, I've let the army down and most importantly I've let myself down.

General : You most certainly have. Britain is a multi-racial country – comments like yours are not to be tolerated.

Harry : No Sir.

General : Words like that are very hurtful to our Asian Community. You're on a slippery slope here son.

Harry : Yes Sir, sorry Sir.

General : Next thing we know you'll be using the N word. You're a Prince not a gangster rapper. Try to behave like one.

Harry : It won't happen again Sir.

General : That's what you said after the "jackboot" incident and here you are in my office again.

Harry : I know Sir, I'll do better. Send me to Iraq Sir, I need to become a hero again.

General : Iraq? How can I send you to Iraq? You used the R word! You'll be calling them camel jockeys next. Look boy you just need to be more aware of causing offence to minority groups.

Harry : Yes Sir.

General : Right we'll say no more about it. Piss off out my office then you little ginger runt.

It's good and a nice punchline, but I think you're missing out on "linking gags" which NR particularly like.

e.g. little jokes along the way that break up the flow.

Something like

"next thing you'll be having a go at the lesbians,"
"and I for one don't want 50 300lb cock dodging biffers in my office crying about you calling them rug munching, Shrek impersonators"


"we don't throw insults at foreign types (BEAT) we throw grenades at foreign types,"

Yup strong punchline and enjoyable sketch. But then would be inclined to listen to Sooty, he knows his NR stuff.

Yeap. Your right. Will try to get some more gags in.

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