British Comedy Guide

George's reflections

Barack Obama has been inaugurated as the President of the United States, George Bush no longer with the trappings of power is reflecting on his time in office.

GB : Eight years soon comes and goes, my legacy is complete. I can retire to my ranch safe in the knowledge I did the best job I could.

A female figure in white appears over his left shoulder. It's his good conscious.

GC : Your best? You did your best? Are you sure George?

GB: Who are you?

GC : I'm your good conscious George. Here to help you see the light.

GB: My best? Of course I did my best.

A male figure in red appears over his right shoulder. It's his bad conscious.

BC: You always did your best George don't worry about that. It's not your fault any fifth grader would do better is it? What did the country expect voting for a man like you?

GB: A man like me?

GC: He means a dumbf**k George.

GB: Well I might not have been the sharpest tool in the box. But I always did what was right.

GC: What was right? You always did what was right? Putting our troops in harm's way? Starting a war that's killed millions of innocent people? A foreign policy that makes this country hated all over the world? And you did what was right?

BC: Of course he did what was right! Any self respecting world leader would have done the same, Churchill, DeGaulle.......Vlad the Impaler. Blair followed us into battle didn't he?

GB: Oh Tony, dear Tony. I haven't seen him in ages. I bet he needs grooming now. I do hope Barack remembers to feed him.

GC: No George, Tony has gone away. Forced out because of his support for you!

GB: Oh no not poor Tony. He was such a loyal companion.

GC: What about the economy George? The banking system in chaos? Markets falling and millions out of work. All on your watch mate!

GB: It's true!! I've let my country down.

BC: Umm, It's the world actually George.

GB: Don't try to make me feel better. I can see it all now. Women and children dead, our boys coming home in body bags, millions facing financial ruin! And poor Tony gone. All because of me!

The good and bad conscious figures fade away. George Bush falls to his knees.

GB: Oh Lord God, I am a sinner. I've done some terrible things. But I repent! They say there is more joy in heaven over one sinner that doth repent. Oh Lord say that you forgive me. Send me a sign.

Loud crash of thunder. Shoes are hurled at Bush from the sky.

Great idea and a great punchline, but your explaining way to mcuh and slowing the whole sketch down.

If some one's listing his crimes all you need is "credit crunch, iraq, afgahnistan," not an explanation.

Infact lists are a good chance to drop in a quick gag.

Really liked the pay-off :)

But agree with the Sootmeister about it being too heavy on all the explaining. Probably letting your own opinion show through when the joke doesn't require it.

A bit of a short back and sides and it's a winner.

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