Ok, been and dug out a few bits from so many years ago (must of been somewhere from 15-18 years ago)
Thought I'd upload a few so you know exactly what I mean as I've had many pm's already which don't hit the spot.
The original post: https://www.comedy.co.uk/forums/thread/11045
A copy of the guidelines I posted on the original post:
The single cartoon ideas should be:
Your own work.
None political.
Only topical in a general way, an example being the credit crunch, not target individuals. (Unless they're really funny and you just want to send 'em to make me laugh )
No conversation. (Try and capture it in one line aided by the suggested visual)
You, yourself have to find it funny.
It's got to be something you would expect to see/read in the papers as a single cartoon.
Please include the visual setup (verbally) as and when required. (Some maybe visual only)
And some examples of what I did back then:

Obviously anything like the frog kissing was aimed at The Sport (not sure if they still do).
The estate agent one never got published although every paper I sent it to commented on how much the loved it but dare not print it... wonder if they would nowadays!
Please refrain from sending in ideas at the moment, I'll post, as and when. thx