Greetings everyone, discovered this site by accident really but think it's great. Gonna go off now and have a real good browse round. See you later.
Hey Feather... come back and say hi soon!
Hello Feather.
Goooooooooooooood afternoon.
Salutations Feather.
Just had a very quick buzz around the site, it's even better than I thought. Got to go now though, things to do, but I'll be back.
Quote: Feather @ January 7 2009, 3:43 PM GMTJust had a very quick buzz around the site, it's even better than I thought. Got to go now though, things to do, but I'll be back.
Yeah, but what about the BSG?
Quote: Feather @ January 7 2009, 3:43 PM GMTJust had a very quick buzz around the site, it's even better than I thought. Got to go now though, things to do, but I'll be back.
With a search warrant?
Are you a Girl Feather or Boy Feather?
Either way, they're plucked!
Quote: Leevil @ January 7 2009, 4:02 PM GMTEither way, they're plucked!
Did you fly away to look around the site?
Hello, Feather!
Hello Feather