British Comedy Guide

Writing in an accent or dialect...

I've always struggled to write characters with strong regional accents or dialects. I wonder if anybody has any tips on how best to do this. Or if there are any books or websites that can help?

The best thing is not to do it Chip. Let the actor provide the accent you just give him or her the words. Certain regions use certain words or expressions and that is fine so it is, but don't try and phonetically spell the accent etc.

What if the specific way the line is to be read is key to the joke? I'm reminded of the way Arctic Monkeys rhyme Mondeo with "say owt". You could only do that with a Sheffield accent.

It's more to add variety and texture to a script, rather than to enhance a joke. Thinking about it, Marc P's probably right, best to avoid the whole accent thing. It's a minefield. I would nonetheless be interested if anybody knows of any sitcom's that have used regional accents effectively.

Another golden rule is never to set a sitcom in Sheffield.

They produce some good singers, though.

On the whole, I reckon you're best off just noting that they have an accent and letting the actors do their job. I guess for some bits of dialect, using odd spelling (e.g. what they do in Viz for Geordies) would probably be OK if it's important that a word is said a particular way.

Maybe someone can get their hands on a Rab C Nesbitt script and see how it's done?

Quote: Griff @ January 5 2009, 11:01 AM GMT

Keep an ear out for a bit of Unwinese tonight...

Stanley Unwin was very good on that Small Faces album.

Ogden's Nut Gone Flake - a cracking good album.

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