British Comedy Guide

The Eagle

I bought the Eagle Annual today, it's ace!

I saw some old issues in a shop window this week. My Dad used to have a massive collection when he was younger, worth a lot and my Grandmother threw them all out one weekend when he was away. My mother did the very same thing to me with my My little pony collection. We are both bitter!

A parent should never touch their child's belongings.

Oh my mother doesn't believe in boundaries!

She was very good at giving my stuff away! Even today, she'll pop any jumpers that my Dad doesn't like to the charity shop. He only found out his old 70s jacket was missing when he saw it on someone else.

In fact the pony thing came back to really bite her on the bum. For years it was a sore topic as she didn't believe me when I said they were worth money saying they were only kids toys then a couple of years ago, This Morning did a feature on valuable toys, one of which was a My little pony that was worth £200. Worse thing was it was one I had STILL IN THE BOX. One of the few times she was stuck for a comeback!

It's a banned subject in the family now.

I've got a load of annuals (Beano and the like) sitting in my house right now. I'm going to put them on eBay when I become less than lazy.

My mother gave away my pet gecko when I shipped off for basic training. Angry


:O Bitch!

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