British Comedy Guide

Name Changes

Government Think Tank Meeting

Brian, Brenda, Martin and Sarah are gathered round the table.

Brian : Have you seen this in the papers? Somewhere in Sheffield they have dropped the title school and called it "a place of learning."

Brenda : Amazing insight.

Martin : This is the way forward. We need to change the names of other things.

Brenda : I agree. Hospitals could be "places of healing."

Brian : The house of commons could become the "place of debate."

Martin : Libraries could be "places of reading."

Brian, Brenda and Martin are all nodding heads enthusiastically.

Brain : Any suggestions Sarah?

Sarah : Cabinet meetings could be called "place for wankers"

Ah good stuff bigfella, send it to NewsRevue or Treason. It's a premise with lots of potential too.

Like the idea Bigfella,had ago at this myself this morning and couldn't come
up with anything.Deffo a send off to NR/TS.

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