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"Sitcom Saturday" Westminster Reference Library Page 2

I heard a rumour this is back in May, if people were interested in starting to put together sitcoms for it.


OK, I've joined your FB group. :)

Thoroughly recommended.
I had a piece performed in the January show. It was very interesting to observe a director with my script at rehearsal and the evening was lots of fun with good feedback.

Hi Everyone Wave

Yes, Sitcom Saturday will be back on May 30! :D For our next event we will still be drawing on scripts received from our last open submission which we would have liked to have done last time but didn't have time. We will have open submissions again in the future.

We will still give feedback to people over the scripts submitted back in December/January. I've been a bit caught up with my own play and now organizing the next Sitcom Saturday but the promise of feedback will be fulfilled!

More details will follow soon. Hope those who are thinking of submitting in the future will want to come along. The aim is not only to give the writer's script a script in hand reading but also a taster of the director/writer process.

Glad you enjoyed the process John! We certainly enjoyed your script! :D


Hi Everyone Wave

We're back to ...

Put a Smile On Your Face This Spring! :)

After our mega-successful first event, Sitcom Saturday returns! So put a spring in your step and make us your interactive living room again!

Watch brand new sitcoms in bite-size rehearsed readings!

All acted out live by wonderful actors! Have a laugh Laughing out loud, give us your feedback -and we'll give you yummy refreshments!

And it's all FREE!

Saturday, May 30 2009
5.30 pm to 8 pm

Westminster Reference Library,
35 St Martin's Street,

Please reserve a place by emailing or phone 020 7641 5253 / 07940 146 681


RealDeal Theatre is now on Twitter @

Hi folks, Wave

We're doing another round of speed castng at the mo' but here is an alphabetical list of sitcoms we're presenting at Sitcom Saturday on Saturday, May 30th at 5.30 pm - 8 pm at Westminster Reference Library just off Leicester Square.

We decided to experiment this time with a slight change of concept: we're presenting three new sitcoms and three second episodes of previously-seen first episode sitcoms. We have a new set of directors who have chosen their own cast from an open casting call.

So everything has been kept as open as possible. Talking of which, we will be having another open script submission either later this year or early next year so writers watch out for that! And remember it's always a good idea to see an event before submitting a script!

Armanie Briefs by John Hill Episode 2
Directed by Adam Morley

Coffin Dodgers by Rupert Haigh
Directed by Michael Alvarez

Mr Praze and Mr Beeble by Phillip Whitmore and Matthew Cobb Episode 2
Directed by Hanna Berrigan

Powers Flowers by Andy Pandini and Fiona Keen Episode 2
Directed by Emma Jane Richards

Tradesmen's Entrance by Michael Ayers
Directed by Holly McBride

Very Good Annick by Richard Fitchett
Directed by Jason Moore

As before, a chance to give writers feedback and free food at half time. And join us in the pub afterwards!:D

Quote: Goldnutmeg @ January 8 2009, 6:34 PM BST

We're also looking for someone who is willing to design a leaflet and a poster for us

You could always reuse the design I did for the last season of the Sitcom Trials: Declan and Simon ended up not using it, so stick your logo across the middle, waste not want not.

Kev F

Well done Goldnutmeg, another great night's entertainment !!

If only every Saturday could be Sitcom Saturday !!

Hi Kev!

It was really great to meet you again and thanks so much for your kind offer of publicity material! I sent out the call back in the days before we had our first event and now we're finding the "Put a Smile On Your Face!" and smilie logo seems to work well. May you continue to sock it to 'em in your inimitable style! :D

Hey Fenster,

So happy you enjoyed it! Everytime we hold Sitcom Saturday it surpasses our expectations in so many ways - the writers, actors, directors, Westminster Reference Library staff and volunteers, audience and Marks & Spencer so kindly giving us food and drink (special mention to M&S's David, Mercy, Beverly and the van man!). It was a sunny day outside and a sunny atmosphere inside! :)

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