The JunkMales had a fairly quiet year in 2008.
We set out to do more of everything but mostly did less. We are more or less treading water (as a group) at the mo. We did get a few sketches on radio which was a buzz at the time and we shot a few more videos. Dave did some acting and Danny did some standup. Mart made another baby (with help..); and I have more or else rebuilt my music studio, albeit struggling with software issues as we head into Crimble.
2009 I don't know what the group will do. We have aspirations to do "everything" while simultaneously harboring a desire to "concentrate on one thing and do it well".
Will it be "..young, new, fresh and pant-wettingly funny.."
We encourage clean and dry panties at all times.
Have a Happy Holly and Merry Berry.
One of my New Year resolutions will be to stop posting on internet forums for a year to free up the time in the studio. So easy to get distracted on the net, I find! I have cut down on posting and want to cut it out completely by Jan 1.
Best o' luck in 2009 to all you BSG writers, stand ups, actors and creatives of all types and genres. My heart is with you!
Frankie xxx