I'm on top of the Christmas dinner preps more so than any other year hence my posting. I've impressed myself to be honest.
One thing I would like to point out is that anyone who makes more stuffing balls than Pigs in Blankets is worse than Hitler in my eyes.
As it's just gone midnight - HAPPY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY PEEPS!
Merry Christmas all of ya!

Merry bloomin' Christmas 🎄🎄🎄
Merry Christmas to one and all.
I hope you're all surrounded by friends and family. I volunteered to work today, so that my coworkers with kids could have the day off.
Merry Christmas everyone
Just realised I haven't seen any Raymond Briggs films this year. Were they on? They must have been!
Countdown to next Christmas!
362 days to go!
Leap year
As New Year approaches and you have fun, do spare a thought for those who are sad and lonely and not enjoying the festive spirit. Do find someone who is unhappy, alone, and not feeling the atmos. Talk to the fellow, and tell him to f**k off out of it. Say, F**k off and f**k you and stop being so f**king selfish and spoiling all the f**king fun for everyone else you f**king f**ker, I mean ffs, you got 364 f**king other f**king days to moan, groan, gripe, whine and whinge, don't f**k with the only cool day left, you dickrash, make a f**king effort for f**king once. F**k you. Really. No joke coming. F**k you.
Samaritans job interview unsuccessful again , Michael?
I used to have a gag, 'Don't you hate it when you're really cool and funny and sexy on the phone, but the miserable bitch never calls back? That's why I stopped working for the samaritans.'
I think it's hilarious how many grown men are going to the cinema to watch Wonka. I can understand if you're with the family, but going alone and queueing up, don't you feel a bit silly? 'Wonka, please!' - 'Well, we have horror, psychological drama, adult comedy....' - 'No, Wonka and his magic sweeeeet factowy! He make choccies! Cooooool! I want Wonnkaaaaa!'
Maybe they fancy Timothee Chalamet. It's understandable.