British Comedy Guide

I did not know until today.... Page 9

I have a baby, I don't want to scar her for life though.

Laughing out loud Nah your best off using a strangers if possible.

Kidnapping a child and making it suck on my nipple. Nope can't see anything wrong with that plan.

Or kidnap a man and let your baby suck on his nipple.

Or kidnap a man and let him su............., never mind

Woo that was getting interesting.

Some gerbils are actually born pregnant.

Male rhesus monkeys often hang from tree branches by their amazing prehensile penises.

Smearing a small amount of dog feces on an insect bite will relieve the itching and swelling

My parents are somewhat well-off, but my father just told me that part of the family Christmas trip to Las Vegas was paid for by one of his Army buddies. He attended several nuclear weapons tests with my father more than 50 years ago and was later diagnosed with a rare leukemia which was eventually cured. My father advised him that the government would pay $75,000 in compensation for atomic veterans with certain cancers, so he filed his claim and insisted on giving my father $2,000 when he received the money.

My father also told me about one of the nuclear weapons tests he observed in the Pacific between 1956 and 1958. He and his buddies had wooden beach chairs along the water's edge during a test at Eniwetok. They didn't know it, but the bomb was a huge one: 8.9 megatons. He said all the water drained out of the lagoon and then came rushing back in and deposited the men and their chairs way up the beach. Nothing like surfing a radioactive tidal wave ...

Here's one veteran's account of the blast:

The largest SHOT I ever witnessed was code named OAK on 29 June and the heat on my back got to the point of becoming uncomfortable, in fact it started to burn my skin right through my shirt. Once the fireball had pasted I turned around to see the water column rising into the sky and forming the familiar mushroom cloud.

Then high winds hit me within minutes or seconds. It's hard to put a time frame on it though because time really stands still when you see something like that. This was all very scary of course but it was also really beautiful. There are so many colors to it, especially in a Pacific island setting; there's the aqua green water and a brilliant red residue from the fireball, and then the luminous white mushroom cloud going up into a clear blue sky. It's awe- inspiring and my first emotion was pure amazement.

Only years later did I find out that the OAK detonation was a nine megaton hydrogen bomb (700 times greater than the Hiroshima Bomb ); detonated on a landing craft, about 15 miles from my island. We sandbagged the island beforehand, because it was only seven feet above sea level. When OAK detonated there was this wink of light that I sensed through my closed eyes and arms, just like a flashbulb going off inside my head. And when I turned to see the column of water rising out of the lagoon, it was so tremendous that no one spoke. You could hear the sound waves bouncing off the islands Boom! Boom!, as it came down the atoll chain. And when the sound wave hit Eniwetok, the whole island shook and a hot wind blew our baseball caps off, but within seconds the wind reversed and sucked in toward the bomb. The column was surrounded by ragged halos of white shock waves, which produced an electrical field. I actually experienced an electrical field passing through me; my arm hair stood up and there was a cracking sensation all through me that was as much felt as heard. I knew what this was because I had felt the same effect when in the field of a high- powered radio antenna. There was also a metallic taste in my mouth, like when chewing gum foil touches a tooth filling. And that mushroom cloud just continued to build and grow until it had risen about sixty or seventy thousand feet into the air and covered the entire atoll. A circle of islands about fifteen miles in diameter were all shadowed by this terrifying, magnificent thing. I remember talk of evacuating the islands because of concern about fallout, but it never occurred. After fifteen or twenty minutes, the water in the lagoon began to recede until the lagoon bottom lay exposed for about two hundred yards from shore. I could see sunken PT boats and equipment from WWII that was normally covered by fifteen or twenty feet of water. I really thought the earth had cracked and that the water was running into it! I mean, it had to go somewhere, right? But finally, the water stopped receding and it just stood there like a wall for a minute. I thought of Moses and the parting of the Red Sea, for it must have looked like this! Then it started coming back and I got a sick feeling, because here I was on this dinky little island, not very wide, and here comes what seemed like the whole ocean. The wave hit the island and sprayed up over the sandbags and all day long the water kept seesawing back and forth. Because of this agitation, the lagoon water turned an ugly milk chocolate brown and it started to rain very hard. At this point the effects of the bomb detonation took on apocalyptic gloom and I felt oppressed! Prometheus had stolen heavens fire and Pandoras' box spilled a Nuclear Holocaust on mankind forever!

The bomb had created a column which sucked up all the lagoon water for fifteen miles around. I will never forget that. The lagoon water was off limits for swimming for three days, but the ironic part of it was that the lagoon was our source of drinking water, after it went through the desalinization plant, which didn't remove radiation. The mighty OAK had dug a crater 183 feet deep in the lagoon and 4,400 feet in diameter. It also made a good size dent in my memory bank!

This was the blast that did it:


Here's a cool video of a blast more than 1,000 times less powerful than SHOT OAK:

2 words. Holy Shit!

Quote: oldcowgrazing @ December 30 2008, 9:03 PM GMT

The dot over the letter "i" is called a tittle.

Laughing out loud I like it.

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