British Comedy Guide

The Camp Customer and the Gruff Landlord

Just a quick one.

A very camp man, with pink hair, enters a public bar. He has a hand-bag. He goes over to the bar and is served by a very gruff, deep voiced Cockney.

CUSTOMER: (In a very camp voice) Can I have a pink gin please?
LANDLORD: We aint got any pink gin in 'ere mate. The only gin we've got is Oxygin, Nitrogin and Roger's Gin
CUSTOMER: I'll have a Roger's gin then please

He gets it and downs it in one

CUSTOMER: Can I have a turd please?
LANDLORD: We aint got any turds in 'ere mate
CUSTOMER: Yes we have, we've got musturd, custurd and you, you shit.

Feedback welcome.

I see where you are going with it but I think it could have been worded better :)

Does he mean a 3rd?

Quite fun, but for pure pronounciation fun it could be a tad clearer.

Below are just TWO (superior) samples of this OLD joke from the web.

Two gays went into bar ,lionel asks for two pink gins,barman says"only gin we have is,oxygin, nitrogin, and hydrogin." his partner calls the barman over and saysto him"did you know there are three types of turd, there is custurd ,musturd,and big shit now can I have our two pink gins.

Two blondes walk into a bar for a drink.
The barman tells his mate - 'Watch this!'
One of the blondes goes up to the bar and orders two gin and tonics. The barman asks - 'What kind of gin do you want?'
The blonde says - 'What have you got?'
The barman answers - ' Well, we've got three kinds of gin - Oxygin, Nitrogin, and Hydrogin!'
Back at the table the blonde tells her mate what happened. Her mate replies - 'Don't worry - I'll order the next drinks'
A little later her mate goes up to the bar and orders two turds.
The barman says- 'Turds? What drink is that?'
She replies- 'Well - there's three kinds of turd - there's custurd, musturd, and you, you big shit.'


I thought 'Critique' was for critique of original work. Why ask for 'feedback'? Maybe I'll post Python's 'Parrot Sketch' and ask for feedback.

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