British Comedy Guide

Bit of a thinker Page 2

Quote: Nil Putters @ December 8 2008, 9:07 AM GMT


She uses shower gel.

I get it now. I have seriously never heard of that kind of thing... what's wrong with these nuns!!!

Quote: EllieJP @ December 8 2008, 8:54 AM GMT

I have never ever got this joke! Roscoff... please PM me the explanation! Or some one... please!

Both nuns are furiously msasurbating themselves or each other with the bar of soap.

The result being the soap wears out faster than you would ordinairly expect.

Ah yes, reminds me of the old convent school "Candles out, girls" gag.

Mr Bandage what is your avatar?

Quote: Nigel Kelly @ December 8 2008, 9:11 AM GMT

Here's a clue, spell the word wears instead of where's :)


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