Friday 5th December 2008 2:26pm
2,302 posts
Quote: Nick Rivers @ December 4 2008, 4:31 PM GMT
With you there. It's not obscure at all. Certainly not to a radio 4 audience (which i presume is the intended target). The hearing joke works well. The braille joke, for me, is somewhat lost in translation. I still think you're one of the best writers on here. Your insurgents joke was hilarious. And you also wrote that 'first life' radio sketch, right?
Yes. It was intended for RFTP. I originally submitted just the second half, purely the braille gag which they said they liked but felt it needed some context. So the disability awareness week was an attenmpt to give it some context. It doesn't seemed to have worked, but there you go, it was just a gag that popped into my head so nothing lost.
Yes, I wrote the First Life sketch. I've got a few that are definitely on the running order for the first recording of RFTP, if they don't get cut at the read through and go alright on the night, they should make it onto the air, so keep an ear out for a sketch or two about a bunch of incompetent terrorists calling themselves the Death To The West Club.