Wednesday 3rd December 2008 12:33am
14,732 posts
Quote: Moonstone @ December 2 2008, 7:24 PM GMT
Yeah but buying a stupidly expansive graphics card isn't essential - hardcore gamers do that because they choose to. It isn't necessary.
But the main point is, if you already have a pc, even if it needs a few tweeks, why not just use it instead of paying out for a new console?
PC game sales are plummeting, while console sales are soaring. The chances are pretty good that in the near future people will buy a console that doubles as a PC rather than the other way around.
Quote: PhQnix @ December 2 2008, 7:25 PM GMT
I honestly wasn't advocating buying the Apple TV DaButt. I wouldn't advocate buying much form Apple tbh.
My favorite piece of Apple hardware is my cheap Mac Mini. It sits silently in my home theater cabinet, right next to the amp. It plugs into everything over an HDMI link and serves up about 80GB of MP3s, plays DVDs, web videos, downloaded videos, streaming audio links, etc. I can control it remotely from my iMac, iPhone or PC and basically does everything an Apple TV can do and more.