If Microsoft wanted to get away from it's bad RROD image, why not just remove the RROD image and replace it with something else? Problem sorted.
PS3 vs XBox 360 Page 11

Quote: Nil Putters @ January 21 2009, 3:42 PM GMTF**k.Ing.Hell. I iz wid Godot.
Quote: Aaron @ January 21 2009, 3:50 PM GMTAGREED! *shudder*
I won't let your asses die, sartorially speaking.
Quote: Lee Henman @ January 21 2009, 3:49 PM GMTHave you played Gears 2 yet Godot? Now THAT is a damn fine game.
I've heard it's good Lee, but problem's with the tramp's hat above plus the price have put me off. I paid forty quid for Call of Duty and was underwhelmed.
Quote: Griff @ January 21 2009, 4:30 PM GMTDon't do it guys. I worked for Electronic Arts for eighteen months. I got off lightly, but they are slavedrivers, as is everyone in the games industry. (I knew people at Activision with similar tales to tell.)
Check this out: http://ea-spouse.livejournal.com/274.html
OK that's not in the UK, but I can tell you, the UK culture isn't far behind.
Oh dear. The guy from Xbox does now work for EA.
Just thought I'd mention that.
Godot, do you shop around online for cheaper games? I'm sure most online retailers sell games at least 20% cheaper than the High street shops?
Or wait a couple of weeks and pick them up second hand, after the nerds have finished them in a day.
Quote: Griff @ January 21 2009, 4:30 PM GMTDon't do it guys. I worked for Electronic Arts for eighteen months. I got off lightly, but they are slavedrivers, as is everyone in the games industry. (I knew people at Activision with similar tales to tell.)
Check this out: http://ea-spouse.livejournal.com/274.html
OK that's not in the UK, but I can tell you, the UK culture isn't far behind.
Griff, it's always been like that in media. The day ends when you send your file to the printers.
Quote: Nil Putters @ January 21 2009, 4:39 PM GMTOr wait a couple of weeks and pick them up second hand, after the nerds have finished them in a day.
Or rent/swap them. Which is what I may do when I get my hands on a new console.
These aren't bad. And there's a sale on!
Quote: Leevil @ January 21 2009, 4:37 PM GMTGodot, do you shop around online for cheaper games? I'm sure most online retailers sell games at least 20% cheaper than the High street shops?
I haven't really got into the swing of it yet. I just wanted some games to play and I only had reviews and shop assistants to advise me. I now know that people who work in games shops are not junior Charlie Brookers, just c**ts. That's what's put me off GOW2 - everybody rates it - as they did COD. I get the feeling that I wouldn't like Halo, either. There isn't anywhere to rent game near me, so I just have to look on YouTube.
What sort of game do you want?
I used to love Battlefield 2: Modern Combat on the 360. The online gameplay was fast, but fun.
Battlefield 1942 was my faaaaaavorite game for a few years. I would sneak into my roommates room when he was away at work and play it all day long on his PC.
Quote: Godot Taxis @ January 21 2009, 4:47 PM GMTI haven't really got into the swing of it yet. I just wanted some games to play and I only had reviews and shop assistants to advise me. I now know that people who work in games shops are not junior Charlie Brookers, just c**ts. That's what's put me off GOW2 - everybody rates it - as they did COD. I get the feeling that I wouldn't like Halo, either. There isn't anywhere to rent game near me, so I just have to look on YouTube.
I'd use LoveFilm (cheapest £3.91p/m) or you could just exhaust all the free trails. Most of them offer a 2 week free trial or more, free P+P each way and you can keep them for as long as you want.
I can imagine you standing atop a gas tower taking pot shots at unwitting pedestrians, Godot. Maybe you should give GTA4 a try.