I used to read the threads on IMDb's ScreenWriters board and noticed quite often the seemingly mercenary attitude of writers taking whatever credit they could whenever they could.
For example, one person says that they're having trouble getting a particular line of dialogue to sound right. So people pop up and say that they will have a look at the line and suggest changes but in return they want full rights to be identified on the project credits as writer of additional material or some such terminology. This wasn't just a one of because I have seen it a number of times.
Even on this site I have seen the odd person say that any help they recieve gives them automatic rights to that material. Luckily I havent seen them trying to claim credit for helping others.
WTF? Is this how cut throat and mercenary things are?
I have assisted a number of people on this site. I've read over their work, notes, jokes, stand up material and full scripts. I've made ammendments, offered my advice or opinion and helped to reword jokes and so on - But never once have I ever dreamed of trying to claim any credit for any of it. I do it because I just like to help and share thoughts and ideas. The hope is that I get this in return when my own work needs some medicine.
What is the opinion of others of this (seemingly) cut throat writing credit requirements? Am I just too soft and niave? I hope not because I just like helping others where I can.