British Comedy Guide

Post Up a Script

I was wondering if i could post up my script to see what you guys think? Or is that not a good idea!

Its a good 3000 words long so maybe i could just personal message it to anyone who would like to read it?

I just want to know if its good or i'm just deluded! (this is the only thing i've written since A Level english!)


The best idea, rather than posting the whole lot, would be to post the first few scenes; you're more likely to get people reading and responding rather than whacking the whole lot on.

^ What he said. Post a decent chunk of it so we can read it and ask for more if we want to see more.

Just format it nicely and people will read as much as they want.

Gully, some good suggestions made here, post up a section of the script, if we like it put up some more.

Thread closed.

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