British Comedy Guide

The Project Managers 2 - Now Animated!


I've just finished the latest Project Managers animation. It's changed a little from the first draft of the script that I posted. I hope you enjoy this one. Comments appreciated.

Contains lots of swearing by the way!

Love it!

Thanks Daddy Maz!

Well done ShoePie, very impressed! Good animation and a well thought out script!

Thanks Mark, much appreciated. I hope you noticed at the start Steve was on the BSG forum. :)

I thought this was pretty funny and very well made, although the 'f**k off' joke is a bit obvious. I really don't like the way the character's are drawn, either, but that wouldn't bother most people. Nice work Shoepie. Also Daddy Maz likes it, so it must be good.

Awesome Awesome I say :)

well Done mate really enjoyed :)

Good stuff Shoe. Keep it up dude!

I really liked it but 2 small thoughts.

1 He says he's going to use sound effects and doesn't, I'd lose that line it's quite obvious what's happening so an explanation line isn't neccesary.

2 The last line is a bit weak, I'd say go for a massive swearathon or a rubbish made up swear word.

Quote: sootyj @ November 26 2008, 6:04 PM GMT

I really liked it but 2 small thoughts.

1 He says he's going to use sound effects and doesn't, I'd lose that line it's quite obvious what's happening so an explanation line isn't neccesary.

2 The last line is a bit weak, I'd say go for a massive swearathon or a rubbish made up swear word.

I liked it to, although I thought the last lines could have been something like:

Manager: John says you use foul language.

Employee: What a c...(BLEEP)

Exactly maybe a long beep of abuse that goes on for 10 seconds.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ November 26 2008, 5:03 PM GMT

Also Daddy Maz likes it, so it must be good.

Ah the Daddy Maz merry barometer, you can set your funny to it!

The Slaggs loved it. 5 stars from us.

like I said @ YouTube... awesome...

Thanks for all the great comments.

Yeah the last line is a bit weak, that was commented on in the script thread but I just couldn't think of anything better in time. I like the long 10-second beeping idea, I might do that if I get a chance to re-edit.

The sound FX line should have been cut too. Doh! Originally there were drum rolls but they were too long and didn't add much.

The drawing style, my next animation I'm taking a leaf out of James Harris's book and using some natural media (hand drawn sketches). So hopefully some improvement there.

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