British Comedy Guide

You're a writer? Really? Page 5

Quote: sootyj @ November 21 2008, 8:27 PM GMT

Or threatening to blow his boat up.

I remember the joke going round school at the time:(cringe alert...)

"How did they know Earl Mountbatten had dandruff? "

"Because they found his Head and Shoulders on the shore"...

Reused for Challenger and any other time some one gets blown up.

Quote: Dr Mato @ November 21 2008, 8:06 PM GMT

Do not say you are a film maker or writer.......... make up something like er......... loo consultant..........paid stud...........or one I LOVE using........"I run group sex therapy sessions for the local mental health board mmmmmmmmm haven't I seen you some where before, opps never mind."

This novel you are writing I know sometimes when they are commissioned or whatever and then they expect a certain word count... are you making yours up with lots of dots .............. or M's mmmmmmmmmm

Could be a handy trick.

I get lots of blank stares because most people don't actually know what a scriptwriter is:

"So do you, like, write the story and someone else writes the words?"


Usually shortly after that they ask if I've written anything they know - probably not, unless they're obsessive Troma fans or one of the four people who actually watch BBC Three - and, bizarrely, if I'm famous. Surely, if you have to ask someone if they're famous ... obviously not.

Quote: zooo @ November 21 2008, 6:57 PM GMT

Surely SOME people must think it's a pretty cool job.
We all do!
We're all jealous, for god's sake.

Don't be, it's bloody hard work. Not in a physical sense obviously but sometimes it wrings every drop of creative juice out of you and leaves you crumpled in the waste bin of inspiration like a discarded wanksock.

But thanks! Hug

Quote: Phill @ November 22 2008, 10:49 AM GMT

I get lots of blank stares because most people don't actually know what a scriptwriter is:

"So do you, like, write the story and someone else writes the words?"


Usually shortly after that they ask if I've written anything they know - probably not, unless they're obsessive Troma fans or one of the four people who actually watch BBC Three - and, bizarrely, if I'm famous. Surely, if you have to ask someone if they're famous ... obviously not.

You've written for Troma? No f**king way. That is too cool. :O

A film I co-wrote is distributed by Troma - not quite the same as writing for them.

Quote: Phill @ November 22 2008, 12:16 PM GMT

A film I co-wrote is distributed by Troma - not quite the same as writing for them.

But still...Troma are Gods. Which movie was it? I may have seen it.

I doubt it, if you have - I'm so very sorry:

The Evolved -

A dog-napping ring that's supplying a neo-Nazi fast food empire run by a Hitler-like Pope? Junkie foetuses? Nazi clowns?

I shall make it my life's work to own this movie. Cheers Phill Laughing out loud

Me and my brother were talking about this the other day. I said "I'm a writer" and he said "Okay then I draw so I'm an artist". I'm just waiting until something I write gets made and then I can say HA!

Just tell him to draw the curtains and shut the frig up.

Quote: Marc P @ November 21 2008, 11:43 PM GMT

This novel you are writing I know sometimes when they are commissioned or whatever and then they expect a certain word count... are you making yours up with lots of dots .............. or M's mmmmmmmmmm

Could be a handy trick.

I wish I could get away with that. However, I use a text reader and when I speak it writes what I say. Sometimes it picks up me going mmmmmmm!!!!

OOPS, better be careful, folks might take it wrong. :D

For facts though I really have deadlines and at first did overboard on them. Now I am finding a stride that is comfortable.

When you have an experienced one working with you it helps.

However, I have a story to tell, it is a bit of tragedy mixed in with a lot of fun. I am pretty cool with the thought that someone else thinks so too.

I had a dictaphone once but not to type unfortunately.

Quote: Lee Henman @ November 22 2008, 12:35 PM GMT

A dog-napping ring that's supplying a neo-Nazi fast food empire run by a Hitler-like Pope? Junkie foetuses? Nazi clowns?

I shall make it my life's work to own this movie. Cheers Phill Laughing out loud

Yeeeaah ... you wouldn't know it from that synopsis, but the film was supposed to be about a shark which sprouts legs, wanders out of the Thames and attacks people. We lost focus on the main story somewhere along the way whilst shoving in a talking junkie foetus and an alcholic ventriloquists dummy and the Nazi-pope and all the other millions of things which wandered through our brains at three in the morning.

The shark is still there but ... well, the result is quite funny but doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

People say to me "well everyone writes". And then you explain and say that you haven't really had a lot of success yet - and you start to wonder why you mentioned it in the first place.

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