British Comedy Guide

You're a writer? Really? Page 4

Well I am under contract now on me first book. When it is published I shall let you know. One of those things that you never expect, but it is great to buzz about writing with money in the bank. Oh and I have a co-author.

I was advised by someone (outside my family and friends) recently to snap out of the dream world of comedy writing. This was advice I obviously ignored, mainly due to the fact that it came from a man who hasn't lifted himself out of a certain seat in front of the TV for about a year. He's not even disabled.

Quote: Dr Mato @ November 21 2008, 4:09 PM GMT

Well I am under contract now on me first book. When it is published I shall let you know. One of those things that you never expect, but it is great to buzz about writing with money in the bank. Oh and I have a co-author.

Oooh! Well done.
Is it fiction or non-fiction?

I have nothing to say. i'm just seeing if I can post a reply.

Looks like I can. Must just be a dodgy thread I was trying to post on.

Quote: Griff @ November 21 2008, 4:34 PM GMT

Have you been on the Scotch this afternoon Dolly?

Not yet. :)

I'm off to work out before I can start the evening's liquid pleasures.

Just realised that sounds funny.

mmmmmmmmmmm there Dolly I see nothing dodgy....... must be you.

Well I never expected to write a book. It was a tragedy that brought out humour and an opportunity I never expected. I still question my sanity on this whole bahokee' but I move forward on.

I have a co-author to help keep me grounded because I tend to be all over the place.

I have spent most of my life from childhood on laughing so, no matter how awful the situation I tend to laugh and because of that..... a publisher liked me. Go figure.

I am normally quite happy to tell people I write comedy but the reactions I get vary quite a bit. Here are some of them:

*A couple of my family members have just looked at me as though I was odd.

*Some people expect you to say something amusing straight after - as though they are now qualified and under contract to judge how funny you are.

*A good friend of mine, who I feel was actually better at this comedy lark than I was, turned his back on it at the first sign of it being in any way serious. It was if it was ok to write stuff for a laugh between mates or to show other friends, but apart from that you had to go get a real job and leave comedy to be done by proper writers.

*One reaction I get quite often is 'yeah, I always thought of doing that'. I've never really understood this reply. Is it just a friendly remark to reinforce that they approve of your chosen path, or is it a snipe as though saying 'anyone could do it, I could of, easy! I just chose not to - you want a friggin medal?'

*Some people react quite snooty; 'so comedy? think your Monty Pyphon is it?' or if I told them I was writing a sci-fi pilot the reply was 'so your copying Red Dwarf?' (note: I never told them what it was except it was sci-fi, but it seems sci-fi can only mean Red Dwarf to many people).

*You're writing comedy scripts? but you're normally really quiet.

*But you're an accountant?! (I find that one funny)

*My sister's reply when I told her I wrote comedy - 'Oh that's nice' before turning the subject back to herself (cow).

*Then there is the interrogation - So what's it about? That's been done before, who's going to want that from you? But don't you already have a job? You're not that funny!

*I hate you! (in mock anger as though I've successfully escaped the rat race and they're still stuck in it)

*I hate you! (my mother generally)


Worst and most any reaction is,

You write comedy I know (famous person) and they're alot more succesful than you.

meaning by knowing them I'm ergo funnier than you as well, you bumbag.

Actually it was the guy who lives in my local canal and drinks persil mixed with sherry.

I think he was trying to chat me up.

You don't think he's some one senior in BBC comedy do you?

I hate it when people ask me what I do.

I'm a writer.

Oh right! Are you a journalist or an author or...

Comedy actually. Mainly greetings card jokes.


You don't know what to say do you?


Surely SOME people must think it's a pretty cool job.
We all do!
We're all jealous, for god's sake.

Quote: sootyj @ November 21 2008, 6:00 PM GMT

Worst and most any reaction is,

You write comedy I know (famous person) and they're alot more succesful than you.

I went out for a while with a woman whose ex-partner had been a successful film and TV writer. I kept fairly quiet about my scriptwriting aspirations! But then I usually do. If you write a novel, you have written a novel, regardless of whether it sells millions, is vanity published or just sits in your sock draw. It is what it is, and artistically, if not commercially, you have achieved your goal, or come as close as you are going to. But a script does not take on a life until it is performed. Until then it is a fantasy, and I think all of us are reticent about sharing our fantasies.

Quote: Deferenz @ November 21 2008, 5:48 PM GMT

*Some people react quite snooty; 'so comedy? think your Monty Pyphon is it?'

Those f**kers are the worst. I met a couple at a party once who were both diplomats or ambassadorial staff or something, and when I said that I was a filmmaker (which was true, at the time), the guy smirked: "Oh, so you want to be the next Steven Spielberg do you?"

It's a weird reaction. If I'd said "Oh, so you want to be the next Earl Mountbatten, do you?" they'd have thought I was being rude.

Or maybe just obscure.

Do not say you are a film maker or writer.......... make up something like er......... loo consultant..........paid stud...........or one I LOVE using........"I run group sex therapy sessions for the local mental health board mmmmmmmmm haven't I seen you some where before, opps never mind."

Quote: Mike Greybloke @ November 21 2008, 7:55 PM GMT

Those f**kers are the worst. I met a couple at a party once who were both diplomats or ambassadorial staff or something, and when I said that I was a filmmaker (which was true, at the time), the guy smirked: "Oh, so you want to be the next Steven Spielberg do you?"

It's a weird reaction. If I'd said "Oh, so you want to be the next Earl Mountbatten, do you?" they'd have thought I was being rude.

Or maybe just obscure.

Or threatening to blow his boat up.

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