British Comedy Guide

You're a writer? Really?

What do people say when you mention you write?

Are they impressed, or do they say 'Tell me a joke?' Are they interested or frightened?

Or, do you not mention it?

I don't tend to mention it, I always find that people don't tend to 'get it' - if you know I mean.

They ask what it pays. Then I tell them I don't get paid. Then they ask what I really do. Then I am sad.

I don't really tell people either.

Only close friends and family know.

Hmm. Much like if I had HIV.

Quote: David Bussell @ November 21 2008, 2:01 PM GMT

They ask what it pays. Then I tell them I don't get paid. Then they ask what I really do. Then I am sad.


Poor wickle Bussell.

If I was really successful I'd be telling everyone!
I'd have a t shirt.

I don't mention it. I only told my best friend I did it as a hobby last week.

I just don't want people thinking 'oh so he thinks he's funny,' and then if I don't make it full-time 'oh so he thought he was funny and he wasn't. That's funny.'

I think I need therapy.

I don't mention it. But when people hear it they usually look sympathetic and offer to buy me a sweet sherry or a barley wine. I tell them that actually I prefer both as a cocktail, I call it a wibbely.

Quote: Marc P @ November 21 2008, 2:14 PM GMT

I don't mention it. But when people hear it they usually look sympathetic and offer to buy me a sweet sherry or a barley wine. I tell them that actually I prefer both as a cocktail, I call it a wibbely.

Yeah, maybe if I told a tramp he'd give me some change.

I usually drag them to the News Revue and stare at them furiosly alnight for not laughing at my stuff.

Then never speak to them again.

A surprisingly large number ask if I write for the BBC I say no.

Then they look at me like I've just admitted to be a virign with a cancerous cock.

Oh yeah once I've told someone its about three words in that I'll mention the BBC. I think I follow that by inhaling through my nostrils arrogantly.

Someone asked me once 'What do you do?' I said I work in admin at the moment, but am hoping to get a few scripts off the ground. He then asked 'What sort of stuff do you write?' I said 'Comedy', I then got the look as if to say 'Comedy, you......really??'. Therefore apart from close friends and family, people think I'm the most un-ambitious man in the world.

Quote: Griff @ November 21 2008, 2:36 PM GMT

If people ask "what sort of stuff do you write?" it's normally safe to answer "Radio and theatre" at which point they automatically lose interest and change the subject.

That's a good one! :) I'll use that.

It's usually my frineds who mention it to new people, perhaps because they're embarressed on my behalf for having such a rubbish real job.

Quote: Griff @ November 21 2008, 2:36 PM GMT

If people ask "what sort of stuff do you write?" it's normally safe to answer "Radio and theatre" at which point they automatically lose interest and change the subject.

:D Very good.

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