British Comedy Guide

How many of you have full time/part time jobs? Page 7

Hamleys have just started selling a talking terrorist doll for Christmas. It's not known what it says yet because everyone's too scared to pull the cord.

Boom boom!

Quote: Lee Henman @ November 20 2008, 2:19 PM GMT

An old lady was walking through a cemetary when she saw a man squatting behind a gravestone.
"Morning" she says.
"No" he replies, "I'm having a shit".

Can't stop laughing at that one.

Quote: Lee Henman @ November 20 2008, 2:19 PM GMT

An old lady was walking through a cemetary when she saw a man squatting behind a gravestone.
"Morning" she says.
"No" he replies, "I'm having a shit".

Good 'un. You've probably thousands of jokes ready to unleash on 118118

Amy winehouse bumps into Jeremy Clarkson one day and they start to chat.
"What do you do?" she asks.
"Top Gear" he replies.
"F**king brilliant" she says "I'll have 3 grams".

Quote: Lee Henman @ November 20 2008, 2:19 PM GMT

An old lady was walking through a cemetary when she saw a man squatting behind a gravestone.
"Morning" she says.
"No" he replies, "I'm having a shit".

The version of that I know the man's just walking his dog.

Quote: Nigel Kelly @ November 20 2008, 2:23 PM GMT

Good 'un. You've probably thousands of jokes ready to unleash on 118118

I'm ashamed to say I do :$

I didn't notice, did this thread go off subject? The last job I had was teaching people how to sell advertising space - oh how I miss those days.

I work as a database/system administrator in the IT department of a university. It's full-time.

I can't think of a single funny thing to say as I am so depressed...


Quote: Griff @ November 20 2008, 2:06 PM GMT

Yeah he does. On Newsnight. Doesn't he?

Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 20 2008, 2:07 PM GMT

Isn't Newsnight the news?

Newsnight is topical discussion. A further in-depth feature programme of the day's top few stories. Not a news programme as such.

Top gags, Lee. :)

Quote: Lee Henman @ November 20 2008, 2:21 PM GMT

Hamleys have just started selling a talking terrorist doll for Christmas. It's not known what it says yet because everyone's too scared to pull the cord.

Boom boom!

This one particularly. Please include the "Boom boom!" if you submit it. :)

Oh boo hiss.

Still, the "boom boom" is quite an apt addition.

Quote: Aaron @ November 20 2008, 4:53 PM GMT

Oh boo hiss.

Still, the "boom boom" is quite an apt addition.

If you're a dapper fox that resembles Terry Thomas.

I work in The City full-time as an I.T. Contractor. Boring of course.

There's a comedy show set in a public toilet

It's a shit com.

Who's the biggest gay on Newsnight

Jeremy Jax off man

There's a new computer game about distended anuses

Slack man

Did you hear about the Olde English terrorist?

He was a suicide mummer.

Which terrorist won Britain in bloom?

Osama Bin Garden

Why are Scottish suicide pilots like theme parks?

They both Disnae Land.

Took me about 5 minutes those, jokes are easy when you have a system.

Quote: sootyj @ November 20 2008, 5:32 PM GMT

There's a comedy show set in a public toilet

It's a shit com.

Who's the biggest gay on Newsnight

Jeremy Jax off man

There's a new computer game about distended anuses

Slack man

Did you hear about the Olde English terrorist?

He was a suicide mummer.

Which terrorist won Britain in bloom?

Osama Bin Garden

Why are Scottish suicide pilots like theme parks?

They both Disnae Land.

Took me about 5 minutes those, jokes are easy when you have a system.

Is this the right thread?

And aren't half of these reconstituted?

Aren't all jokes?

Bigger boys wrote jokes and ran away.

Actually here's my favorite joke of all time.

My dog's got no nose.

How does it smell?

Achtung Panzer!

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