British Comedy Guide

Help with relationship advice Page 11

That's the only kind, isn't it? Teary

Aw, Lee. Don't worry - there's only a punch in the arm otherwise.

How I long for a punch in the arm. I did once get a jab in the ribs, it was the best day :D

Quote: keewik @ April 21 2011, 10:19 PM BST

Compliments can be a bit dodgy - she may think you're taking the piss or are a wierdo.

The trick is to deliver it genuinely. Or just act genuine.

I'm a busy man do Interflora do precummed in flowers?

Quote: Leevil @ April 22 2011, 1:16 PM BST

Send her flowers...

... that you cummed in.

Then lick her clematis.

Thanks for all the (serious) advice.

I gave her one last night (a compliment, that is) and she replied straight away with a 'awww, ;p'.

WTF does 'awww, ;p' mean?????!!

And, no, I'm not just after a quick fumble of her botanicals, I really like her. She's gorg.

Stop pissing about lad and tell her how you feel. :D

I don't think the P stand for prick, if it helps?'

All I know is that ;p is a 'smiley' winking face with a tongue sticking out.

But, the 'awww' bit.......

You women......

Just means awwww!
What do you mean what does it mean? :)

As in - awwww bless with a pat on the head, or as in awww isn't that sweet or as in awwww I wanna jump your bones now?

Quote: zooo @ April 22 2011, 3:53 PM BST

Just means awwww!
What do you mean what does it mean? :)

Yeah, but is it awww, he's sweet (like a puppy) or awww, he's sweet (I want his schlong)?

The two are not at all mutually exclusive.

NO men get that. It's most annoying!

awww he sweet and it's funny (in a nice way)

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