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I read the news today oh boy! Page 991

Quote: Harridan @ August 22 2012, 6:14 PM BST
An 80 year old woman decided to restore a church fresco on her own and did a spectacular job:


I swear that second picture is going to haunt my dreams. It looks like some kind of possessed Homer Simpson!

But my question is, who the hell let her get that close to the painting?

Quote: Shandonbelle @ August 22 2012, 7:52 PM BST

Brilliant! reminds me of this classic Mr Bean



Quote: youngian @ August 20 2012, 6:34 PM BST

Assange is a self-aggrandising windbag and instead of the Government making ludicrous threats about entering the embassy they should be glad to see the back of him wherever he goes.

I haven't heard Assange make a single convincing statement as to why he should not answer questions regarding his rape allegations in Sweden, other than conspiracy nonsense along the lines of Jack Bauer waiting at Stockholm harbour to take him away in a crate.

Besides the Americans could make a flimsy extradition request to Britian at any time and it would probably be granted.

Yes, I know nothing of this Wikileaks nonsense other than he seems to be doing alright out of it, swanning around the world in a suit. Isn't he just an other chinless coward who can't face the music? If people like him want to set themselves up as some heroic white knight battling for the underdog, then the very first rule is to not put yourself in any compromising situations, like hotel rooms with Swedish women! Spineless prat.

Spontaneous human combustion... if the body's cells are starved (which can occur during chronic illness or even during a workout at the gym), acetyl-CoA in the liver is converted... into acetone. And acetone is highly flammable. A range of conditions can produce ketosis, in which acetone is formed, including alcoholism, fat-free dieting, diabetes and even teething

I love it when I selectively read to find out that going to the gym or dieting will possibly make you burn to death.

Sorry, forgot to reference- Ford, Brian J. The Microscope, vol.60

Finally decided to look up the guy trying to prosecute Julius Monkey face. And he would appear to be a bit of well a nutcase, self publicist with some decidedly odd views on men and women. Perhaps the Swedish government maliciously pointed him at monkey face. But more likely I think he liked the idea of using him as a platform to put over some "eccentric" ideas.

Strikes me that him and monkey face have a lot in common.

Not least of all mistaking ego for nobility.

Quote: Monster Scum Bag @ August 22 2012, 8:05 PM BST

But my question is, who the hell let her get that close to the painting?

An inspired genius. I swear that's the best art I've seen in ages.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ August 23 2012, 8:58 AM BST

Yes, I know nothing of this Wikileaks nonsense

Do not let that stop you from making a comment Alfred. If we didn't have people like you, talk radio would die on it's arse.


Quote: Ignatius Rake @ August 23 2012, 12:00 PM BST

An inspired genius. I swear that's the best art I've seen in ages.

It is very striking.
There's a popular app called 'Draw Something Free' which has some hilariously bad art on it, it's an absolute joy.

nb if the US really wanted to kill Assange or shut him up it wouldn't be hard.

I mean he f**ked off the Taliban, Iran, Israel and probably the RSPB.

If he got pushed under a tube or had a mysterious heart attack. Then there would be multiple suspects (bit like Gerald Bull). Andthat's ignoring the fact that they haven't just had him renditioned like Vanunu et al.

I think the boring fact. Is rather than the US trying to use some bizarre plot involving Wallander and IKEA to get monkey face. He's just too small a fish for them to actually give a shit about.

Quote: sootyj @ August 23 2012, 12:54 PM BST

nb if the US really wanted to kill Assange or shut him up it wouldn't be hard.

I mean he f**ked off the Taliban, Iran, Israel and probably the RSPB.

If he got pushed under a tube or had a mysterious heart attack. Then there would be multiple suspects (bit like Gerald Bull). Andthat's ignoring the fact that they haven't just had him renditioned like Vanunu et al.

I think the boring fact. Is rather than the US trying to use some bizarre plot involving Wallander and IKEA to get monkey face. He's just too small a fish for them to actually give a shit about.

Noooo! He's melting away! He doesn't exist if we aren't all looking at him! Noooo!

Harridan everytime someone says they don't in an egomaniacal, gossip a fairy dies.

Quote: sootyj @ August 23 2012, 1:14 PM BST

Harridan everytime someone says they don't in an egomaniacal, gossip a fairy dies.

Transmission is dodgy, we seem to be missing some words...

Quote: Shandonbelle @ August 22 2012, 7:52 PM BST

Brilliant! reminds me of this classic Mr Bean



Quote: Nil Putters @ August 22 2012, 11:37 AM BST

Absolutely true ladies and it tastes just like chocolate

Quote: youngian @ August 23 2012, 5:34 PM BST

Absolutely true ladies and it tastes just like chocolate


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