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I read the news today oh boy! Page 988

Quote: Nat Wicks @ August 20 2012, 12:17 AM BST

It isn't a full criminal investigation. There are no charges. It is questioning by a prosecutor, not police, which will be exactly the same regardless of geography. If he was charged, then that would be a different matter.

Even before criminal charges it can be considered an "unfriendly investigation" and no investigator worth their salt would be happy. With limited access and aybe only one interview they need to compare statements and consistency etc.

Assange is accused of criminal charges in 2 separate countries. By any standard of international law he should be willing to accept them. Unless he can make a compelling case that he wouldn't face a fair trial for either due to; race or belief (I don't think political affiliation counts)

Quote: JuliaR @ August 20 2012, 7:53 AM BST

Very sad to read about, Tony Scott.

Yes, sad news, and more so because of it being suicide. RIP.

the dutch know tohave fun

I didn't realise how many Tony Scott films I liked! True Romance, Beverly Hills Cop II, Enemy of the State, Top Gun.

Well, now I'm sad.

Shame about Tony Scott. He made big brash bombastic blockbusters that were a lot of fun. His films were far less ponderous than his brothers as well.

Worked briefly with Ridley on a commercial - Tony Scott would often be about the RSA offices.
A real larger than life character who always seemed up & confident.

God alone knows what must have been going on beneath the surface.

Very sad.

Top Gun, True Romance wow what a loss.

I guess they don't and now probably never will make films like that anymore.

George Galloway attacked over Assange 'rape' comments


The Bradford West MP suggested one of the women had claimed she invited Mr Assange back to her flat, had consensual sex with him and then "woke up to him having sex with her again - something which can happen, you know".

On the issue of whether this would constitute rape or not, Mr Galloway suggested that "not everybody needs to be asked prior to each insertion".

Quote: Harridan @ August 20 2012, 5:27 PM BST

George Galloway attacked over Assange 'rape' comments


The Bradford West MP suggested one of the women had claimed she invited Mr Assange back to her flat, had consensual sex with him and then "woke up to him having sex with her again - something which can happen, you know".

On the issue of whether this would constitute rape or not, Mr Galloway suggested that "not everybody needs to be asked prior to each insertion".

:O :O :O

Quote: Harridan @ August 20 2012, 5:27 PM BST

Mr Galloway suggested that "not everybody needs to be asked prior to each insertion". [/i]

How strangely appropriate, listen to your own advice Galloway.

Assange is a self-aggrandising windbag and instead of the Government making ludicrous threats about entering the embassy they should be glad to see the back of him wherever he goes.

I haven't heard Assange make a single convincing statement as to why he should not answer questions regarding his rape allegations in Sweden, other than conspiracy nonsense along the lines of Jack Bauer waiting at Stockholm harbour to take him away in a crate.

Besides the Americans could make a flimsy extradition request to Britian at any time and it would probably be granted.

No because too date he hasn't addressed them.

I usually hate the Evening Standard, but they made a bloody good editorial point.
Governments need some degree of secrecy. And Assange's clod footed handing out of second rate data. Has lead to deaths and imprisonments around the world.

Quote: sootyj @ August 20 2012, 6:41 PM BST

No because too date he hasn't addressed them.

I usually hate the Evening Standard, but they made a bloody good editorial point.
Governments need some degree of secrecy. And Assange's clod footed handing out of second rate data. Has lead to deaths and imprisonments around the world.

Wikipedia has had the odd good scoop like any newspaper but Assange is a child. He does not believe in any editorial scrutiny or basic fact checking.

He feels there is no justification for keeping anything private (apart from people who have worked for Assange) and anyone who does is in league with the suits and oil companies.

If diplomatic cables are continually leaked they will simply revert to on-the-record info and governments just increase face to face meetings.

I'd be very surprised if Wikipedia is not already a depository for black propaganda.

unfortunately for his friends he's even less principled than you describe.

If they turned a blind eye to his escape he could live out his days in Equador as a shabby alcoholic ex-pat like some Graham Greene character that Denhom Elliot used to be very good at playing.

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