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I read the news today oh boy! Page 977

Quote: bigfella @ August 11 2012, 11:48 AM BST

Of course we don't.

This the BCG though.

What like China Town?

Quote: sootyj @ August 11 2012, 11:50 AM BST

What like China Town?

Sweet and sour chicken balls please.

Quote: Lazzard @ August 11 2012, 11:45 AM BST

The authorities need more powers to step in early - and more funds to do it.
And, if they make a mistake ie take a kid away who was OK - not get a bollocking for the one they got wrong, but hearty congratulations for the 99 they got right.

Part of the problem is that with social services the emphasis tends to be on keeping families together. Some neighbours of my mine were fosterers and they were always complaining about having to return children to families where they had been neglected, abused and, in one case, permanently disabled. And when I say families I mean abusive common-law step dads.

Child care is incredibly expensive and not always a good option.

And infact even the most troubled parents can turn their lives around.

I mean seriously some people do become good parents with a little help

Quote: Tursiops @ August 11 2012, 12:01 PM BST

Part of the problem is that with social services the emphasis tends to be on keeping families together. Some neighbours of my mine were fosterers and they were always complaining about having to return children to families where they had been neglected, abused and, in one case, permanently disabled. And when I say families I mean abusive common-law step dads.

Someone somewhere has got the wrong end of the stick.

My feelings are, that to enjoy the benefits of living in a society you have to respect/live by the norms of that society.
There are kids out there that are just not being bought up right - their parents are actively reducing their chances of escaping the scum-bag level.
They need rescuing.
F**k the parents - they lost their rights some time ago.

Quote: sootyj @ August 11 2012, 12:06 PM BST

Child care is incredibly expensive and not always a good option.

And infact even the most troubled parents can turn their lives around.

I mean seriously some people do become good parents with a little help

Understood - and money should be spent on that to.
But we have to get away from the belief that a child is 'always' better off with their parents.
And we need to be quicker at spotting it.

As I said before, you cannot live by a counsel of perfection.
There will be mistakes, but we must weigh them up against the greater good.

Quote: Harridan @ August 11 2012, 11:45 AM BST

It seems an awful lot of baseless assumptions are being made about this family. I don't think we know anywhere near enough about them to suggest that they are all amoral, uncaring child-abusers who used the girl to get benefits that they then spent on booze and fags.

This. None of us know- supposing abuot the circumstances of the crime is one thing, but creating our own profiles on the family it a bit far. Lets wait until the Daily Mail tell us they are scumbags before we write them off.

Quote: Oldrocker @ August 11 2012, 1:53 AM BST

I love that but a bit worrying that I can't find it on NASA's website.


Apparently it's not the Curiosity mission but the Opportunity one early.

"ploughs own little furrow through mass of tabloid type speculation"

Some kids aren't being brought up properly because their parents assume they are well-balanced and well-behaved kids...because all they do is sit and stare at computer consoles, laptops or phones while they're at home. They are constantly linked via wi-fi to anything and anyone they want during those hours. Parents assume they are just as good and quiet outside the house and are terribly shocked when the police bring them back home after catching them stoning an old lady or stealing booze from the offy. It's not always about's more about the attention parents (rich or poor) give to their child while they're at home.

It's more about integrity than money. Some people just don't have it, no matter how much money you throw at them.

As high-profile as this murder enquiry is...I kind of don't want to know what happened. It's all a bit of a blur now and we don't have to think about the harsh truth yet (whatever that might be).

If you think about it...Google and YouTube are bringing up our kids...Oh and Facebook and Twitter!

As a mostly irrelevant aside: apparently Twitter isn't all that popular with kids below teenage.

It's Peedo or Beebo or summat

I don't friends say all their kids are moving over to Twitter...because of the 'direct' contact with slebs etc. (yawn) Most are similar age to my 12 year old daughter. She's not actually on anything...she plays Minecraft and Roblox. The rest of my kids are also into that. Weird when you think of all the top notch games there are around these days. My older daughter (16) is a YouTube fan, but she goes out a lot, so not that worried about her. She works at an owl sanctuary. Apparently, my kids are very 'basic' in their needs. I don't know what that means...but I'm assuming it means they are bloody perfect!!

Quote: sootyj @ August 10 2012, 7:10 PM BST

probably the best and saddest film I ever saw on moral panics. You can be guilty of one thing, doesn't make you guilty of another.

If you liked Capturing The Friedmans, I urge you to get two documentaries made by a Frenchman named Jean-Xavier de Lestrade: Murder on a Sunday Morning and The Staircase. The first is a clear-cut tale of evil police in Florida wrongly arresting and bringing to trial an innocent black boy for a murder. The Staircase is more fascinating - it's about a writer whose wife was found dead at the bottom of a staircase in their house. All evidence points to murder by the husband, but his two adopted daughters are convinced he's innocent. Creepy stuff.

Quote: sootyj @ August 11 2012, 12:37 PM BST

It's Peedo or Beebo or summat

There is Myspace and son used to use them (22), but he doesn't now. He's a themed podium dancer now...don't ask.

Quote: Joyce @ August 11 2012, 12:41 PM BST

She works at an owl sanctuary.

That would be a fun job. Owls are cute.

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