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I read the news today oh boy! Page 975

Quote: keewik @ August 10 2012, 11:30 PM BST

Can't see it as suicide. He swears she left the house. Did she then creep back in, spirit herself into the attic and do the deed? Apparently ladders were needed for the attic.

Nothing he said can be relied on if he is guilty.

Quote: bigfella @ August 10 2012, 11:37 PM BST

Moved back into house where the police were swarming over everyday, with TV cameras outside it and 100s of members of public about?

You will never make it as DI Wicks.

Speculation is that the body was moved between the neighbouring loft cavities.

What took place after Tia's death was possibly planned by them all...the dinner in the oven, the stories about the mobile phone and the Oyster card (he had to say he'd given her £10, otherwise they'd have wondered how she was going to catch the bus to the Whitgift), the conflict in Hazell's story and his father's. Even the mother nicked off. The information was far too forth-coming from all involved, like they couldn't wait to tell their corroborated story and deflect the attention away from themselves. I just wonder where the mum is now. That poor girl.

And just really why has the mum walked away? It doesn't make sense that she needed to be away from it all - when the search was still on any sensible person, let alone the mother, would've stayed put in case the girl turned up.

I'm sorry to judge but I think they're a bunch of inbreds with not a bit of intelligence between them.

I can imagine the mum has pretty good idea of what probably has gone on.
And I suspect just doesn't want anything to do with it.

I mean her daughters living with her gran and her stepgrandad with 30 criminal convictions.

Safe to she's not up for mother of the year.

And in all this where is her actual dad?

Quote: sootyj @ August 11 2012, 10:29 AM BST

I can imagine the mum has pretty good idea of what probably has gone on.
And I suspect just doesn't want anything to do with it.

I mean her daughters living with her gran and her stepgrandad with 30 criminal convictions.

Safe to she's not up for mother of the year.

And in all this where is her actual dad?

Not forgetting the stepgrandad was also the stepdad at some point?

Ok, this is going to sound really awful as I don't know these people and their circumstances or if they're indeed guilty of anything but I see it so often where people should not be allowed to have kids, it just makes me angry.

Well...I still can't figure out where she was actually living...Hazell was found near the mum's home (Pollards Hill). Plus, the mum's bf had apparently seen Tia off the morning before from the mum's house...then Hazell had met her at the other end. Who's lying? All of them? She was reported to frequent Croydon, Mitcham and other surrounding towns. At 12, that's a fairly large catchment area to be let loose into...and, by no means, a safe one. Surely, other members of the community will come forward and tell us more. If it makes them some money, they'll be chomping at the bit.

Well yes.

But how do you legislate for such things?

You don't and you can't, infringement of legal rights, blah blah, etc. As if a child does not have the right to have a safe, secure, loving environment and more importantly, to not suffer at the hands of those who brought her to life.

This strikes a very big chord with me and I shall have to leave it here, sorry.

Well...they've taken bedding for forensics, which is unsettling. I hope we don't find out Tia was pregnant. That would definitely be a good reason for Hazell to want to do what he 'might have' done.

If the nan is 46, it looks like someone got pregnant at a fairly young age. I've known women who have off-loaded their children to their mum because they were far too young to look after them. Later on in life, they've still not had much to do with bringing them up and the nan/grandad has just taken on the role of parent long-term. It's very common these days, what with increasing teen pregnancies and grandparents seem more than happy to take over in a lot of cases. Sometimes, it's a way for them to make money out of the system (child benefit etc.) if they take in their grandchildren.

Quote: Oldrocker @ August 11 2012, 1:53 AM BST

I love that but a bit worrying that I can't find it on NASA's website.

Hmm, strange!
No idea where I got it from now, other than someone posted the link on Twitter. I vaguely remember it being Brian Cox, but it could have been any old schmuck.

It's the making money off benefits that is a nub of a problem.

For some people kids (and other dependants) equal money.

I come across it too often, I wonder if you cut or limited some benefits if it would discourage people eventually.

If they made it food stamp type things instead of cash, might that help? That could only be spent on practical boring things, not alcohol or fun stuff, etc.

They tried that with immigrants and the dads sold them for half their value.

But yes it could work. I mean no one should starve or be humiliated or punished. But you just need to sour the milk a little.

I thought it would be a good idea to issue parents with a special cash card that would be credited with money, but only usable for certain products, like kids clothes and baby milk/food etc. If they thought of returning for a cash refund, they wouldn't be able to, unless it went back on to the be spent on other similar items. Sadly, eventually, they'd be buying stuff to sell to friends and get money that way, I the problem will always be people finding a way to con the system.

The other problem with limiting benefits is that teens will carry on having kids, but nobody will want to look after them without the promise of extra money. So all these caring grandparents/uncles/aunties would all start turning their backs on their offspring to avoid the expense.

Oh dear, are there really people out there who would only see kids as a meal ticket? Oh ya!!

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