British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 969

There's some cretin on Twitter sending Gary Barlow the most vile tweets you can imagine about his recent tragedy.

He is Kenneth Tong. Apparently he was in Big Brother.


Quote: TopBanana @ August 10 2012, 10:24 AM BST

There's some cretin on Twitter sending Gary Barlow the most vile tweets you can imagine about his recent tragedy.

He is Kenneth Tong. Apparently he was in Big Brother.


He's been mentioned in the "Things that piss you off" thread. He seems like an unbelievable prick without a drop of empathy and an ego that must make doorframes tricky.

I have to say...I'm even cross that the papers have taken it up. Flashing the words no parent who has lost a baby wants to even think about, let alone read, as headlines grates with me. F**k Tong...put him in the dark and find a way to make him disappear. Right now, he's getting what he wants...attention.

Yeah, the papers should have left it alone (not that I've actually seen any). People like that do not deserve the oxygen of publicity.
Or any other type of oxygen, really.

Quote: zooo @ August 10 2012, 11:15 AM BST

Yeah, the papers should have left it alone (not that I've actually seen any). People like that do not deserve the oxygen of publicity.
Or any other type of oxygen, really.

or oxygen.

Publicity is awful, certainly the reporting and moral panic in attributed to why so many rape victims and victims of child abuse contact the police

Quote: sootyj @ August 10 2012, 11:28 AM BST

or oxygen.

Publicity is awful, certainly the reporting and moral panic in attributed to why so many rape victims and victims of child abuse contact the police

Once again I will bore everyone with my definition:-

Journalist: Someone who, on hearing that a fire has broken out, secretly hopes it's an orphanage

Good definition

booyah even

A related point:

Newspapers are increasingly reporting twitter conversations as if they're news.


As an aspiring journo I'm not sure that's entirely fair. A burning orphanage has only limited marketability. Chucks some celebs in there and we can take it national.

Jesus. :/ If you can't even read the link without cringing, DO NOT click the link.



It was in China, at least, so they probably ate it after getting it out.

Holy f**k sacks. A proper brilliant quality panorama of Mars.

Quote: Nil Putters @ August 10 2012, 3:35 PM BST

The things you find on the web. Rolling eyes

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