British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 956

In an earlier report on this story.

It's written about how she was taken to Pakistan for an arranged marriage. But was returned home after drinking bleach.

A girl under 16 comes home from an attempted forced marriage and suicide attempt. Some one in the child protection team completely and utterly f**ked up.

Quote: sootyj @ August 3 2012, 10:54 PM BST

Some one in the child protection team completely and utterly f**ked up.

And risk being sacked for being 'culturally insensitive' instead? With a lot of communities, I imagine those around them closed ranks and protected them from the authorities. If her sister hadn't come forward, there would have been no prosecution.

police and social services are getting much better at dealing with these things. But it seems theres much work to be done.

Social workers and police need to be able to deal with; forced marriages, honour violence, violent exorcisms, ritual child abuse with out the fear of a career crippling accusation of racism.

Is there much that they can do when these things happen out of the country?

The Home Office has a frankly amazing team who go out and rescue people being force married. An absolute credt to the UK.

But she came home, under 16, traumatised, recovering from severe injuries from drinking bleach.
And the school etc bought this bull shit story that she thought it was mouth wash.

She wasn't killed in Pakistan.

It just makes me so upset. The need to preserve the values and distinctiveness of a community. Should not come at the cost of its children.

Where did civilisation go straight on and this pair of twunts hang a left ?

I sincerely hope Bubba and whoever is his ex wife are waiting for them !

Whose Buba?

Quote: sootyj @ August 3 2012, 10:54 PM BST

A girl under 16 comes home from an attempted forced marriage and suicide attempt. Some one in the child protection team completely and utterly f**ked up.

Rather difficult to keep tabs on every family, surely? Most kids probably don't contact a social worker before or after a suicide attempt, while Britain can hardly stop marriages from happening abroad. Much better to advise all immigrant Islamic/Paksitani families that multiculturalism does not mean traditional backward evil women-hating practices are allowed. Or better still, admit that multiculturalism doesn't work and instead promote multi-racial common sense national values.

Anyway, much as I was alone in my appreciation of Chumbawamba, so too am I solitary in my mourning for their demise.

I'll find the original article. She was in hospital weekly for treatment for bleach drinking.

And with social services this should flash red cards.

Ah, OK, yes, that should have alerted folks. Baygon has a higher success than bleach.

Quote: sootyj @ August 4 2012, 7:02 AM BST

Whose Buba?

At times it may be used as a term of endearment (or in an insulting sense) for a person, especially a man, who is overweight or has a large body frame.[citation needed] In popular culture and prison slang, it is often joked that new male prisoners will be obliged to share a cell with a large, physically powerful inmate called Bubba who will become forcibly sexually intimate with them.

Fascinating in Yiddish it means grandmother.

First McDonalds, now:

2012 Mayan Apocalypse for Coca Cola

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ August 4 2012, 9:13 PM BST

First McDonalds, now:

2012 Mayan Apocalypse for Coca Cola

That's a really fascinating story.

But Coke and McDonalds are yummy.
Those poor, poor, principled people.

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