British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 955

If she had stood at the back and just mingled in it'd be kind of okay, but to lumber around right at the front, the ego on her!

Quote: Harridan @ August 3 2012, 10:19 AM BST

I like her defence of 'I'm a proud woman of India' - maybe next time, you can go back to India, the country you are so proud of and train to be an Olympian rather then some dancing bint off the streets of Stratford.

Just watched the video of her:

She is not remotely apologetic and seems to have done it for the attention.

Now this woman I like:

Quote: Harridan @ August 3 2012, 2:54 PM BST

Now this woman I like:

Laughing out loud

She is solid gold!

Quote: Harridan @ August 3 2012, 2:54 PM BST

Just watched the video of her:

She is not remotely apologetic and seems to have done it for the attention.

Meh, does it really matter? It's a funny little thing that happened and hurt no one.

I'm afraid I laughed when I saw it on TV.It seemed a bit Pythonesque.

Quote: Harridan @ August 3 2012, 2:54 PM BST

Now this woman I like:

Laughing out loud
Oh my God I love her.

Bad news is slow to filter through to Asia. England's most under-rated band, Chumbawamba, is breaking up after 30 years, having gone from anarchic shouting to sweet folk music and everything in between, tempering their angry political stuff with silliness and great tunes and harmonies. Great live shows. Great loss.

The UN are really good at looking like they're doing something, aren't they?

"The UN General Assembly has voted by a big majority to condemn its own Security Council for failing to end the unrest in Syria as fighting rages.

It passed a non-binding resolution, which also condemns the Syrian government's use of heavy weapons, by 133 votes to 12 with 31 abstentions."

For some reason, this story really touched me. It's about the rich woman who went missing and a group of people trying to sell her flat and impersonate her. She'd obviously shut herself off from friends and family beforehand as she was gone for ages before anyone noticed. Now they've found her dead body in a lock up garage.

Bastards . . . . .

And now they'll die in jail, probably never seeing each other again.

For what? So they could preserve some arcane meaningless idea of honour.

Beyond f**ked up.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 3 2012, 10:41 PM BST

For some reason, this story really touched me. It's about the rich woman who went missing and a group of people trying to sell her flat and impersonate her. She'd obviously shut herself off from friends and family beforehand as she was gone for ages before anyone noticed. Now they've found her dead body in a lock up garage.

In the good old days they'd hang the whole bunch of them at Tyburn.

Can't help but see some logic in that.

Quote: zooo @ August 3 2012, 10:44 PM BST

Beyond f**ked up.

It's the people who teach honour is more important than the life of your daughter I want to see doing time.

'She said the parents then forced a plastic bag into the teenager's mouth and killed her in front of their other children. '

I bet the other kids couldn't put on their burkhas and open their korans fast enough.

That is some fooked up shit man.

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