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I read the news today oh boy! Page 953

Yes, newspeople read Twitter. That's how they find out what's happening on Twitter.
It's all quite simple. ;)

Quote: Harridan @ August 2 2012, 3:10 PM BST

And I don't think she did ask the BBC to run a news story on her leaving twitter. You're just making that up because it suits your idea of twitter users. The story was probably picked up because of the Tom Daley twitter story.

The naivety on this forum is both charming and somewhat worrying at the same time. Of course her press people were straight onto her bosses, it takes but a phone call and as pointed out, it comes cynically hot on the heels on the Tom Daley story. 'Look, I am a victim to, just like Tom Daley' is the implication from Skelton's publicist.

Quote: zooo @ August 2 2012, 3:05 PM BST

As you say, you don't use Twitter and know bum all about it, so zip it. :)

Do you really want to go down this route zooo, because there are a gazillion things you've commented on that you have zero first hand experience of. I do know what Twitter is, I just don't use it.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 2 2012, 3:17 PM BST

The naivety on this forum is both charming and somewhat worrying at the same time. Of course her press people were straight onto her bosses, it takes but a phone call and as pointed out, it comes cynically hot on the heels on the Tom Daley story. 'Look, I am a victim to, just like Tom Daley' is the implication from Skelton's publicist.

Still just a guess based on your randomly assorted opinions of the woman and her publicists.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 2 2012, 3:17 PM BST

I do know what Twitter is, I just don't use it.

Maybe you should, it can be fun and a great tool for discovering all sorts of news, info and funny stuff. It's also something to read on your phone whilst you're on the loo.

I mean if she's shit at her job then, well it's a tough world and people are entitled to complain.

It's like one of those "hows my driving?" they make rapist/serial killers put on the side of their long distant lorries.

Nobody knows what people had been saying to her. I'm sure she's well used to people insulting her presenting skills. I'm inclined to think it was probably a hell of a lot more personal. But as I say, it's all conjecture.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 2 2012, 3:17 PM BST

Do you really want to go down this route zooo, because there are a gazillion things you've commented on that you have zero first hand experience of. I do know what Twitter is, I just don't use it.

If you don't use it you don't know how it works, is all I'm saying! Of course you know the basics of it. As soon as she said she was leaving, all her followers would have started talking about it, and her name would have trended. She wouldn't need to go running off and telling everyone, 'cos they'd find out themselves.

Quote: sootyj @ August 2 2012, 3:25 PM BST

I mean if she's shit at her job then, well it's a tough world and people are entitled to complain.

Sure, complain to the employer. Being mean to the person just seems, you know, rude. Just be a decent person.

Stott you and I pay her license fee, we are her employer.

I'm off to leave a flaming big bag of my shit on John Barrowmans doorstep for sexually confusing me.

And employers don't generally ring you up and say "you're shit at your job, P.S. you're also fat and ugly, f**k off and die." which is the sort of lovely thing most famous people get told several times a day on Twitter.

Yes but know once wanted to have sex with me cos they saw me on the goggle box

Game set and match Sootyj

Quote: sootyj @ August 2 2012, 3:25 PM BST

I mean if she's shit at her job then, well it's a tough world and people are entitled to complain.

And I'm sure 'Helen Skelton is crap at Olympic broadcasting' might have been the trend that Skelton herself discovered on Twitter. Not aimed personally at her, but just discussed by enough people to get her attention.

As for complaining to the BBC, they already did that once during the Queen's Jubilee saying 'please don't bombard us with trendy presenters, who don't know what they are talking about and stop portraying everything like childrens television crap'. When it happened again during the Olympics, no wonder people were upset.

Quote: sootyj @ August 2 2012, 3:39 PM BST

Stott you and I pay her license fee, we are her employer.

You sound like the people who complain on Radio 4. "I don't pay my license fee so that you can move Gardeners Question Time to the middle of my afternoon walk." "How dare the BBC waste my license fee on reporting foreign news stories."

Paying the license fee doesn't mean you get to dictate how the entire of the BBC operates. Go and spend your £150 on DVDs and quit moaning.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 2 2012, 3:44 PM BST

And I'm sure 'Helen Skelton is crap at Olympic broadcasting' might have been the trend that Skelton herself discovered on Twitter. Not aimed personally at her, but just discussed by enough people to get her attention.

Possibly, probably not. it will have been insults, or even fair, gentle criticism, sent directly to her. You see it all the time on Twitter. Many make a joke of it, or ignore it, sure. I mean, I'm no fan of Fearne Cotton, but I went on her page once and the sheer amount of abuse was horrible. Apparently because she's not their favourite radio presenter in the world. So many utter, mindless c**ts out there.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 2 2012, 3:44 PM BST

And I'm sure 'Helen Skelton is crap at Olympic broadcasting' might have been the trend that Skelton herself discovered on Twitter. Not aimed personally at her, but just discussed by enough people to get her attention.

Ha, I don't think that would have trended, but is vaguely possible.
But really, (more conjecture ahead) I think she's probably fairly confident career-wise, it's the horrific and uncalled for personal insults that people get that tend to make them say f**k this, I'm leaving the site.

Quote: Harridan @ August 2 2012, 3:45 PM BST

You sound like the people who complain on Radio 4. "I don't pay my license fee so that you can move Gardeners Question Time to the middle of my afternoon walk." "How dare the BBC waste my license fee on reporting foreign news stories."

Paying the license fee doesn't mean you get to dictate how the entire of the BBC operates. Go and spend your £150 on DVDs and quit moaning.

No I want to watch the commercial channels thank you very much.

And besides you try convincing a TV license Nazi (Godwined!) that your DVD player can't pick up TV

How dare the BBC force yet another simpering simpleton on me because they're youthy and pretty. If I can't stop the untouchable naybobs in the BBC I can atleast tormet their hapless and worthless foot soldiers.

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