British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 925

"MarcP get back in the house now! Your publisher is demanding you finish your new Jack Reacharound novel by tea time!"

"I can't sweetness...not till I've finished fighting the other thriller writer hiding in the river who looks just likes me!"

Sounds of frantic splashing.

Jack Reacharound, so you have been reading them! :)

I can't read.

The latest Murder CLub is available for purchase as an Audio Book, fully unexpurgated - putting the Don into London!

Looks like the "oh-isn't-the-Olympics-a-wonderful-celebration-of-sport-and-a-happy-frothy-bumtime-event" is more of a fascist corporate sponsorship event with perhaps with some sport tucked in it.

And there's still no realistic possibility of the death penalty being reintroduced ?

Im just disapointed they didnt get a place on gordon ramses new prison cookery show

Quote: Monster Scum Bag @ July 12 2012, 8:54 PM BST

Looks like the "oh-isn't-the-Olympics-a-wonderful-celebration-of-sport-and-a-happy-frothy-bumtime-event" is more of a fascist corporate sponsorship event with perhaps with some sport tucked in it.

Can you still refer to it as The London Bollocks, though?

To be honest this is just brand protection just on a larger scale.

Perfectly normal stuff.

My issue is lie with the Boris Bikes and Cable Car our government has sold sponsorship too cheaply.

I'd throw bricks through that butchers window. If corporate sponsors were picking up 50% as oposed to 10% of the Olympic bill.

Quote: Oldrocker @ July 13 2012, 12:31 AM BST

And there's still no realistic possibility of the death penalty being reintroduced ?

In a weird way they're just carrying out the violent fantasies of every Daily Mail/Sun letter writer.

Apart from it wasn't really a crime.of morality. I read that they said that they killed him because they didn't like his arrogance, not because of his crimes.

"We take the responsibility of keeping staff, prisoners and visitors safe extremely seriously."

If so, why lock people up with cannibalistic murderers? Surely the truth is that everyone knows prison can be dangerous, that's part of the deterrent value.

Terry found not guilty. Still a scumbag though.

Where's that feminism thread when you need it? Angry

Oh dear.

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