British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 923

Better-off pensioners should lose their winter fuel payments and free prescriptions, bus passes and television licences, a close ally of David Cameron will propose today.

Curious, I'd have thought a lot of "better-off pensioners" would have voted tory.

Quote: Nogget @ July 10 2012, 4:53 PM BST

Better-off pensioners should lose their winter fuel payments and free prescriptions, bus passes and television licences, a close ally of David Cameron will propose today.

Curious, I'd have thought a lot of "better-off pensioners" would have voted tory.

I bet it won't happen. It probably is cheaper to just hand the stuff out than employ the people needed to means test it.

The House of Lords Reform Bill has been torpedoed. I was a bit worried that our tax money wouldn't go to rich land owners and corrupt businessmen so they can illegally control our democracy.

Now I no longer have to worry. I hope Lord Sugar gets a pay rise and more expenses money, he needs it.

Quote: KLRiley @ July 10 2012, 4:34 PM BST

LOCOG still desperate to get people to go to Olympic football

May I refer the Honourable Member to a reply I posted earlier . . . .

Quote: Oldrocker @ July 10 2012, 9:56 PM BST

May I refer the Honourable Member to a reply I posted earlier . . . .


However, I also have an email from Riley Major's school where there is the chance to win tickets for the women's football in Coventry. I have withdrawn the poor child from the ballot. Who wants to go to Cov?

It wasn't meant as a touche (I fenced at County level btw! :D )

But the football tickets bit just touched a chord !

Hands up who would piss on Coe if he was in the gutter on fire !

Quote: Oldrocker @ July 10 2012, 10:09 PM BST

It wasn't meant as a touche (I fenced at County level btw! :D )

But the football tickets bit just touched a chord !

Hands up who would piss on Coe if he was in the gutter on fire !

Okey doke.

After the aggro I've been through, I'd actively get in the firefighters' way. ;)

Re the Rausing death . . .

I love this . . .

But the decision to drop charges in favour of a conditional caution attracted some criticism of double standards for wealthy offenders, and was described as "very surprising" by the then Metropolitan police commissioner Sir Ian Blair who said it "sends entirely the wrong message about drug use and disregards the harm it does to communities." He added that the decision not to prosecute "reminds me of the 19th-century legal comment often attributed to Sir James Mathew: 'In England justice is open to all - just like the Ritz.'"

Ironic the Tetra Pak heir spent all his time getting boxed.

Chris Moyles is off!

Well he is way too old to be on Radio 1. Or to listen to it.

Plus it must be hard work getting up that early every day. I'm surprised anyone does it more than a few months.

Quote: L.E. @ July 11 2012, 8:54 AM BST

Chris Moyles is off!

Rather unfortunate (or was it?) phrasing on the first half-dozen words of the opening paragraph.
He should sue.


Ditto :)

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