British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 922

Just watching a bit about this on Newsnight -

The Olympic Park will have the largest McDonalds in the world! Go UK!

(so glad they banned smoking cigarettes in the Olympic Park)

3000 square feet for 1500 patrons is rather snug.

Does that say they're going to knock it down after the Olympics??
It looks really fun. And it would be nice to actually be able to get a seat in a London McDonalds.

Quote: zooo @ July 9 2012, 10:57 PM BST

It looks really fun. And it would be nice to actually be able to get a seat in a London McDonalds.

And people slagged me off for taking a girl to Pizza Express.

Seriously, this is such a mixed message. Like putting a Cadburys vending machine in a diabetic clinic.

Maybe McD's is the place to go after you lose all your races and want to do depressed binge eating.

Quote: DaButt @ July 9 2012, 10:56 PM BST

3000 square feet for 1500 patrons is rather snug.

MacDonald's new business model involves shooing the customers into wire cages and having them dip their heads in a trough of mechanically recovered meat and reshaped potato. They pretty much have their clientele worked out.

Quote: zooo @ July 9 2012, 11:04 PM BST

Maybe McD's is the place to go after you lose all your races and want to do depressed binge eating.

Or they could dress up like an airplane and hang around East End tower blocks.

Seems like The Guardian is having its own problems with manipulation of figures !

George Osborne, the UK chancellor, in parliament last week. Ed Balls, his opposite number, has demanded a public apology over comments suggesting he was involved in putting pressure on Barclays over its Libor rates. Photograph: Pa Wire/PA

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Streaker arrested at torch relay.

I was wondering whether this was Aaron expressing his displeasure at the torch relay but then realised that zooo probably wouldn't allow him out.

Quote: Nogget @ July 7 2012, 6:08 AM BST

Faceless Tory humour-vacuum Louise Mensch blames hard drugs for making her mental.

I dabbled with rentaquote Tory populism in my youth. Its not something I'm proud off and it made me completely braindead.
I grew out of it when I became a drug taker but decided to reveal my seedy past in case I was blackmailed.

If it was Aaron the blurred bit would be bigger.

Quote: zooo @ July 10 2012, 3:21 PM BST

If it was Aaron the blurred bit would be bigger.

C'mon, his face isn't that hideous ...


LOCOG still desperate to get people to go to Olympic football

Quote: zooo @ July 10 2012, 3:21 PM BST

If it was Aaron the blurred bit would be bigger.



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