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I read the news today oh boy! Page 898

No there's some sort of Sarah's law thingumy that allows women with kids to check out their potential new partner. But I'm not sure if it ever worked.

For what its worth most people I know in the police and probation don't want it. As it makes people over identify with being nonces and join the nonce underground. Like a sort of child molesting A team.

nb here's the wiki article which is quite accurate

I suspect the government will expand it and strengthen it. As the current multi agency system for nonce monitoring is unbelievably expensive and resource heavy.

in other news. Hull to control teenage pregnancy by turning all boys totally gay.

Quote: billwill @ June 20 2012, 7:05 PM BST

Nonsense, DaButt, the only thing that really riled anyone was your instant acceptance that the dead man was definitely guilty of molestation of the little girl, when you had seen no evidence other than some media stories.

And like it or not, those media stories (which included statements from witnesses and the sheriff himself) are evidence. There was no other evidence that conflicted with the witnesses' accounts and the sheriff said that he didn't expect any to be forthcoming. With those things in mind, I came to the only logical conclusion possible, based on the evidence at hand. There's really no other way to approach things in life.

Nohere was an actual act of rape mentioned in the early media stories.

Early stories said that the man was on top of the little girl. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was taking place and that it was a serious case of sexual assault.

nb in the UK there have been a couple of cases where shocked family members of murder victims have turned out to be the murderers.

The police have a neato technqiue for catching them out.

They allow them to make a television appeal.

And then study their reactions etc, usually get enough evidence for a conviction.

Not in the link you pointed to originally.


Sigh, you can always believe the media of course.

I'm looking at the front of today's Evening Standard, which is the main local London daily newspaper.

It has a photo of a full size Jet Airliner parked on Westminster Bridge in front of Big Ben.

More than a couple of cases I'd say. I can't look at those televised appeals nowadays without doubting them.

Quote: billwill @ June 20 2012, 10:42 PM BST

Not in the link you pointed to originally.


Sigh, you can always believe the media of course.

I'm looking at the front of today's Evening Standard, which is the main local London daily newspaper.

It has a photo of a full size Jet Airliner parked on Westminster Bridge in front of Big Ben.

Thats probably a photo of George Osboutnes enormous snout.

Eep! Strangely exciting.

Quote: sootyj @ June 20 2012, 10:35 PM BST

nb in the UK there have been a couple of cases where shocked family members of murder victims have turned out to be the murderers.

Sure, those things happen. But they are so infrequent that they become major news stories when they happen.

Sounds exciting

providing the less academic don't just get dumped at an early age.

Quote: billwill @ June 20 2012, 10:42 PM BST

Not in the link you pointed to originally.

I think the original story said that the man was molesting the girl, but I soon posted another story that said that he was on top of her.

For what it's worth, I don't draw much distinction between molesting and raping a young child and wouldn't shed a tear if the pedophile was killed during the commission of the crime.

Now we're going to sound really old when we talk about our 'GCSEs'. :(
After spending my life mocking oldies with O-Levels.

Your whole education is now worthless.

Get down McDonalds for a job you ignoramous.


Quote: zooo @ June 19 2012, 10:51 AM BST

It was ridiculous that he had to leave. :(

I imagine half the rich celebs do it. At least. Jimmy's just the one who's made the news for some reason.

Let's hope Little Jimmy Carr is in line to chair HIGNFY soon !

I'd love to see Hislop's reaction !

(Unless he's doing it too).

Must make sure I get Private Eye next time.

Quote: zooo @ June 20 2012, 10:48 PM BST

Eep! Strangely exciting.

'on a collision course with the LibDems' !

A ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Feck off.

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