British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 893

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 19 2012, 11:57 AM BST

Better to give it directly, yourself, to those who you want to help.


Hey, leave off Jimmy Carr everyone, he does a lot of good work for charity!

And because he's not paying his taxes, more people will have to do without and charities will need to step in to help them and they'll need to raise money and they can't do that without Jimmy Carr.

If anything, by not paying his fare share, Jimmy Carr has selflessly created a rod for his own charitable back.

Quote: Lazzard @ June 19 2012, 12:57 PM BST


Walk round any town/city centre and you'll soon find someone, usually sitting cross legged with a cap in front and a dog on a bit of string.

Press five crisp twenties in his hand and watch his joy as he heads to Sainsburys to get lots of healthy organic food leaving some cash for his gas and electric bills. . . . .

Quote: Oldrocker @ June 19 2012, 1:12 PM BST

Walk round any town/city centre and you'll soon find someone, usually sitting cross legged with a cap in front and a dog on a bit of string.

I like it when they do something, like play the tambourine. I still don't give them any money, but it's good that they're putting some effort into their begging.

Quote: Lazzard @ June 19 2012, 12:57 PM BST


On the streets of life. On your travels around the planet/continent/nation/city/suburb/village/countryside. Spot the truly needy and give without usury.

Great fun.

If you can't travel, you could club together with some like-minded friends and create your own charity pot. One of you goes off to the poverty frontline, wherever you may find it.. and gives what is left from your pot directly to those you deem needy. Would make a great doc in itself, generating more money (credit) to your own charity pot, that you and your like-minded friends control.

There was a Channel 4 doc some years back about an outstanding woman who did exactly this. She and a couple of her friends put their savings together (the woman in question sold everything she had) and off she went to the slums of Colombia and spent the money directly on the abject poor that were (and still are) endemic to the region. The corruption she encountered was also endemic: the police, government officials etc. tried to steal her money at every step of the turn, using the fob of "local taxes", "import duties", "non-resident tax", "visa control" (tax) and fake medications sales etc. etc. She was a real tough cookie, but her age was against her, and it was harrowing to see the stress that she became under, get the better of her..

..but most of the original pot got to the people who needed it.

She is the sort of person that we should put on a pedestal and laud, not the shallow celebrity/politician/banker/businessman who gets all the plaudits and the Honours, just because they can afford better PR.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 19 2012, 1:25 PM BST

She and a couple of her friends put their savings together (the woman in question sold everything she had) and off she went to the slums of Colombia and spent the money directly on the abject poor that were (and still are) endemic to the region.

As long as the alturistic hippy tart didn't give the money to poor British people.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 19 2012, 1:25 PM BST

She is the sort of person that we should put on a pedestal and laud, not the shallow celebrity/politician/banker/businessman who gets all the plaudits and the Honours, just because they can afford better PR.

Personally I think we should put whoever gives the most on a pedestal.
That's all that matters to the recipients, not how well intentioned the giver is.
Never really bought into the whole Widow's Mite thing.

It's why I can't get het up about big bonuses.
Every million pound bonus is £400k to the Treasury.
A lot more than 'Yurt-Man' will ever chip in.

And also less if the whole million went in on tax.

nb the aid your government provides through taxes to the developing world. Is far more effective and efficent than any little charities contribution.

Donations are scatty and erratic. And charity work instead of tax payment. Is like sending flowers to the funeral of the person you murdered.

Quote: sootyj @ June 19 2012, 2:01 PM BST

And charity work instead of tax payment. Is like sending flowers to the funeral of the person you murdered.

Ooh, I like that one sootyj. Very succinct. Have an intellectual booyah.

Quote: zooo @ June 19 2012, 10:43 AM BST

Don't the very rich have to give half their money in taxes or something? That's too much.

The new French government recently announced plans to tax those making more than (insert Euro symbol here) 1,000,000 per year at 75%. Prepare yourselves for an invasion of rich Frenchies.

Increasing taxes on the rich always sounds like a good idea, but it's unlikely to solve a nation's financial woes. If everyone in the United States who makes $200,000 or more per year was taxed at 100%, it still wouldn't cover the deficit the current president is racking up every year -- 1+ trillion dollars.

The only way to recover from such enormous debt is to cut spending.

Aung San Suu Kyi is doing her European tour. Last night she got Bono to open for her in Dublin.

I hope we get Muse or Foo Fighters for the London gigs.

Quote: DaButt @ June 19 2012, 2:11 PM BST

The only way to recover from such enormous debt is to cut spending.

Much of Europe just tried that.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 19 2012, 2:07 PM BST

Ooh, I like that one sootyj. Very succinct. Have an intellectual booyah.

I'm stealing this.

Or accept that modern economies are based on debt management?

Interesting factoid the Britain of the 1940s and 1950s had very little domestic debt. People didn't buy cars, rented homes bought televisions on payment plans etc.

And the country very nearly went bankrupt.

It was only the personal credit boom of the 60s and 70s that saved Britain.

Debt management isn't simple. More like juggling grenades with the pins pulled out.

nb 75% tax is just silly no one's ever going to pay that however good public services are. Shit they're going to refuse to buy our useless new aircraft carrier aren't they?

Quote: Nat Wicks @ June 19 2012, 2:17 PM BST

I'm stealing this.

I should add there was 10 minutes work conciousley making it none offensive.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 19 2012, 2:16 PM BST

Aung San Suu Kyi is doing her European tour. Last night she got Bono to open for her in Dublin.

I hope we get Muse or Foo Fighters for the London gigs.

He may be a little shit.

But he's a little shit who can sing in a rocking band.

Quote: Lazzard @ June 19 2012, 1:56 PM BST

Personally I think we should put whoever gives the most on a pedestal.

You mean, the amount of money? What about percentage of wealth? The woman in Colombia gave 100% of her "wealth" (bank credit). Lord Sinjun of PRsley gives 0.000001% of his "wealth" (bank credit).. and gets all the PR plaudits and Honours.

Something wrong there.

Quote: sootyj @ June 19 2012, 2:01 PM BST

nb the aid your government provides through taxes to the developing world. Is far more effective and efficent...

Not pro rata it isn't. The bulk disappears into the credit accounts of those who control the distribution of said monies in the country of destination.. and they all end up retiring to Geneva High Street.

Pick a charity. Any charity. Have a look at their accounts, which are public access and many of which are on the net. Look for the percentage of donations that makes it to the front line. You won't find it. The track of the money disappears once it's in the hands of the people who are in power in the country of destination. On the accounts, you'll see it listed as far as the destination country (politicians), but it's untrackable after that.

While you're at it, check out the charity employees' salaries.

The whole corporate charity/aid thing is a scam.

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