British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 890

No one would name a breed of cat after Iran.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 18 2012, 8:30 PM BST

Yep, the land of Yugoslavia has disappeared completely. It's name is gone, it's old borders are gone, it's national identity is gone, the Yugoslav people are no more and it's physical mass has been carved up and resettled.

It's in the history books along with Persia Minor and Byzantine.(sic)

The land has not disappeared. It's just been carved up and renamed. The land still exists, it's just got different names. Same for the people..

..and the lands of "Persia Minor" (heh) and Byzantium still exist too.. just with different names..

..and the land area known as "Greece" isn't going to disappear, either.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 18 2012, 8:36 PM BST

The land has not disappeared. It's just been carved up and renamed. The land still exists, it's just got different names. Same for the people..

Wrong, wrong and once again wrong. Lands don't come with names, it is just land. It only exists as a territory if we declare it as one.

The land of Yugoslavia is gone, there is no piece of soil called Yugoslavia.

Unless you're being incredibly pedantic, meaning physical soil, in which you are quite sad and should eat a piece of doggy plop-plops.

See this is why wars start...

Quote: lofthouse @ June 18 2012, 8:44 PM BST

See this is why wars start...

That and inadequate cod fish stocks.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 18 2012, 8:41 PM BST

Wrong, wrong and once again wrong. Lands don't come with names, it is just land. It only exists as a territory if we declare it as one.

The land of Yugoslavia is gone, there is no piece of soil called Yugoslavia.

Unless you're being incredibly pedantic, meaning physical soil, in which you are quite sad and should eat a piece of doggy plop-plops.

Your reading and comprehension needs work:

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 18 2012, 6:15 PM BST

Whatever happens, the area of land currently known as "Greece" will still be there. The government and infrastructure might get a bit smashed up, though.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 18 2012, 8:26 PM BST

I wasn't aware that those pieces of land had disappeared, only that their names had been altered.

I hear Iran are secretly developing stocks of atomic cod

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 18 2012, 8:50 PM BST

Your reading and comprehension needs work:

Land -

1. The solid ground of the earth.
a. Ground or soil: tilled the land.
b. A topographically or functionally distinct tract: desert land; prime building land.
a. A nation; a country.
b. The people of a nation, district, or region.
c. lands Territorial possessions or property.

My reading and comprehension seems fine. The only area of land known as Greece is Greece. You have also forgotten to add the big blue watery bits, as they are considered to be Greek waters.

Quote: lofthouse @ June 18 2012, 8:53 PM BST

I hear Iran are secretly developing stocks of atomic cod

Not to worry, the Scousers have developed Atomic Kitten. Yes, I wrote that and I am proud.


You two ain't gonna let this drop are you?

Kerry katona smells of cod apparently

Was Persia Minor at Eton at the same time as Cameron and Osbourne?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 18 2012, 8:56 PM BST

My reading and comprehension seems fine.

You fail to wriggle out of that one. Countries may come and go - the land remains.

Same with Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Cathay even..

..oh yeah.. and Greece.

Can we stop with the Persia Minor stuff? I made a small mistake by not typing in the word Asia and changed it. I don't want to be the centre piece of a pedant bukkake.

Not unless you pay me.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 18 2012, 9:02 PM BST

You fail to wriggle out of that one. Countries may come and go - the land remains.

Wriggle on that you tart. ;)

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 18 2012, 9:05 PM BST

Will you accept credit?

Only writing credits.

Sorry, my mistake.

Asia Minor was at Caldicott with Nick Clegg.

Isn't persia where happy cats live?

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