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I read the news today oh boy! Page 889

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 18 2012, 2:18 PM BST

I'd probably watch it then. As it is, soon as the fit Eastern European birds get kicked out, I stop caring.

Why is it they have to wear little skirts? Women footballers or cricketers don't. There should really be consistency; if the female tennis players have to wear skirts, then so should the men.

So no Grexit is this a good thing? Would it be better to have the pain over and done with? Will having Greece in the euro just drag out the debt and the pain?

Quote: Nogget @ June 18 2012, 2:25 PM BST

Why is it they have to wear little skirts? Women footballers or cricketers don't. There should really be consistency; if the female tennis players have to wear skirts, then so should the men.

Yes but all the female Olympians seem to be wearing 2 piece bikinis.

Quote: Nogget @ June 18 2012, 2:25 PM BST

Why is it they have to wear little skirts? Women footballers or cricketers don't. There should really be consistency; if the female tennis players have to wear skirts, then so should the men.

Ha, I think they can all choose what to wear.
I vote ballgowns! For men and women.

Quote: Nogget @ June 18 2012, 2:25 PM BST

Why is it they have to wear little skirts?

I'm with Nogget, they should play in the nuddy.

Quote: sootyj @ June 18 2012, 2:28 PM BST

So no Grexit is this a good thing? Would it be better to have the pain over and done with? Will having Greece in the euro just drag out the debt and the pain?

If Greece leaves, their country will collapse entirely - no one will lend them money, invest in their businesses or support their government.

As the old expression goes 'if trade doesn't cross borders, then soldiers will' - so pushed by hugely finanical desperation and a non-existant infrastructure, including defence, bloodshed would soon follow.

Just because it's modern Europe, don't think it won't happen - the Balkan and Georgian conflicts flared up out of nowhere recently.

Mr Samaras said he would seek changes in the terms of a bailout agreement reached with the EU and IMF.

Translation: We don't want to pay back the money we borrowed, but please prepare to hand us more cash so that we can continue to live beyond our means.

I'm pretty racist against Argies at the moment, so that tennis man should be sentenced to death. Or something.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 18 2012, 3:10 PM BST

If Greece leaves, their country will collapse entirely - no one will lend them money, invest in their businesses or support their government.

As the old expression goes 'if trade doesn't cross borders, then soldiers will' - so pushed by hugely finanical desperation and a non-existant infrastructure, including defence, bloodshed would soon follow.

Just because it's modern Europe, don't think it won't happen - the Balkan and Georgian conflicts flared up out of nowhere recently.

Well yeh the last truly pan European war was only 70 odd years ago. Andthat's if you ignore the cold war and the Balkan wars which very nearly expanded all over the place.

As I believe a friend advised Hiram Maxim
"if you wanna make a fortune invent a machine to help Europeans cut each others throats more efficently"

read some under the radar articles a while ago. That China is starting to invest in Greece and Portugal quite heavily.

Quote: DaButt @ June 18 2012, 3:22 PM BST

Translation: We don't want to pay back the money we borrowed, but please prepare to hand us more cash so that we can continue to live beyond our means.

Well even the meanest banking system acknowledges at worst all you can do is bankrupt people.

Certainly if I was a Greek primeminister I'd just write off all the corrupt arms deals with Russia, France and Germany (for one not really the US or UK).

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 18 2012, 3:10 PM BST

If Greece leaves, their country will collapse entirely..

No, it won't. Whatever happens, the area of land currently known as "Greece" will still be there. The government and infrastructure might get a bit smashed up, though.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 18 2012, 3:10 PM BST

- no one will lend them money..

Yes, they will. They'll dress it up with "crisis talks" etc., they'll all be private jetting around the world for "crucial conferences" etc. etc.; they might pull them out of the euro, they might devalue into a new currency, but they'll eventually "agree a deal" to lend Greece more "money" (credit), i.e. another loan with interest against collateral, that can never be paid back - ever.

Quote: DaButt @ June 18 2012, 3:22 PM BST

Translation: We don't want to pay back the money we borrowed, but please prepare to hand us more cash so that we can continue to live beyond our means.

That's how our economic system works: banks lend "money" (that they don't have and that actually doesn't exist), with interest against collateral. Everyone's in hock: individuals, companies, countries.. and we/they can never pay it back - ever. That's why usury was illegal for so many centuries - the credit loaned with interest means that it can never be paid back. The debt just gets passed around and eventually the moneylenders end up owning everything.. at which point they start again and issue loans for people to buy the stuff that the moneylenders have appropriated: property, land, commodities etc.. and so it goes on and on.

We're all in it together.

Quote: chipolata @ June 18 2012, 1:04 PM BST

Bit harsh, zooo. He's just a human being, venting his anger in a stressful situation. And the wounded man will do all right out of this little incident, an incident which let's face it made an anonymous tennis match quite interesting.

That's going a bit far. It would take actual disembowelling, with a racket, to a make a game of tennis exciting.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 18 2012, 6:15 PM BST

No, it won't. Whatever happens, the area of land currently known as "Greece" will still be there. The government and infrastructure might get a bit smashed up, though.

Tell that to Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia or East Germany. What's to stop Crete declaring itself an independent country? It probably won't happen and Greece will just become a European Somalia. So every cloud, etc.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 18 2012, 8:10 PM BST

Tell that to Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia or East Germany.

I wasn't aware that those pieces of land had disappeared, only that their names had been altered.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 18 2012, 8:10 PM BST

What's to stop Crete declaring itself an independent country?

The Banks. They can cut off anyone's credit in the blink of an eye. If Crete had no credit? They couldn't buy any foreign goods, food, fuel etc. The Banks own everybody.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 18 2012, 8:10 PM BST


Did you have to look up the spelling of that?
Cos I bloody would.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 18 2012, 8:26 PM BST

I wasn't aware that those pieces of land had disappeared, only that their names had been altered.

Yep, the land of Yugoslavia has disappeared completely. It's name is gone, it's old borders are gone, it's national identity is gone, the Yugoslav people are no more and it's physical mass has been carved up and resettled.

It's in the history books along with Persia, Asia Minor and Byzantine.

Quote: zooo @ June 18 2012, 8:28 PM BST

Did you have to look up the spelling of that?

Bizarrely, I didn't. The fact that I have now looked it up and it is correct has made me feel all Smarmy


Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 18 2012, 8:31 PM BST

Persia Minor and Byzantine.

The old names are always so much prettier.

Quote: zooo @ June 18 2012, 8:33 PM BST

The old names are always so much prettier.

Just had to edit it to Persia and Asia Minor. Sometime brain forget to work good.

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