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I read the news today oh boy! Page 888

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 18 2012, 1:38 PM BST

But what if someone throws a Pawn at his balls?

Pawn balls? I ordered the sweet and sour chicken.

Quote: zooo @ June 18 2012, 1:38 PM BST

But he can if some twat goes and kicks him.

Said twat didn't deliberately kick the judge, he kicked the weirdly small advertising hoarding around him. I'm sure if I was a professional tennis player with all that skill and athleticism, I could easily kick the judge in the head with both feet and pull off a cool landing.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 18 2012, 1:41 PM BST

Said twat didn't deliberately kick the judge, he kicked the weirdly small advertising hoarding around him.

Yes, but what did he expect would happen? He didn't, because he was throwing a little hissy fit and paid the rightful price for his stupid behaviour.

The board was 2 inches, if that, from the man's knees (if you saw the clip showing the moment from a certain angle). Obviously he did it in the heat of the moment, but that's too close for my liking.
If he'd kicked a nice little ballgirl in the leg would people still be saying it was fine, and she should have expected it for standing there? Doubt it!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 18 2012, 1:45 PM BST

paid the rightful price for his stupid behaviour.

This was the beginning of my argument, is he paying the right price or should the police actually get involved?

I'm all for the idiot to get bans, fines, pay for shin bandages, but is this really a proper investigatable and prosecutable criminal proceeding? Should this minor incident really go to court?

Besides, you know how judges stick together.

Quote: zooo @ June 18 2012, 1:50 PM BST

If he'd kicked a nice little ballgirl in the leg would people still be saying it was fine, and she should have expected it for standing there? Doubt it!

Henman smashed a tennis ball into a ballgirl's head not that long ago.

EDIT: Tim not Lee.

Quote: zooo @ June 18 2012, 1:50 PM BST

The board was 2 inches, if that, from the man's knees (if you saw the clip showing the moment from a certain angle). Obviously he did it in the heat of the moment, but that's too close for my liking.
If he'd kicked a nice little ballgirl in the balls would people still be saying it was fine, and she should have expected it for standing there? Doubt it!

You've had some interesting lesson on biology Zooo....

Nah, involving police is too far.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 18 2012, 1:53 PM BST

Henman smashed a tennis ball into a ballgirl's head not that long ago.

In an angry hissy fit, or just as part of the game?

Quote: zooo @ June 18 2012, 1:54 PM BST

In an angry hissy fit, or just as part of the game?

Definite fit of hissyness.

Lol, what a twit.

I think he did that from some distance though, rather than a couple of inches from her face. Which would actually have been quite funny. Just smashed it at her.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 18 2012, 2:00 PM BST

I think he did that from some distance though, rather than a couple of inches from her face.

Out of context, this could be considered rude.

So Henman abuses a ballgirl and gets a hill named after him, Argie bloke hits an old man and gets arrested. Where is the tennis justice?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 18 2012, 2:04 PM BST

Out of context, this could be considered rude.

So Henman abuses a ballgirl and gets a hill named after him, Argie bloke hits an old man and gets arrested. Where is the tennis justice?

One's a Brit and the other is an Argentine. And Timmy gave her flowers afterwards.

The trouble is, throwing a wobbly can have unexpectedly advantageous outcomes. McEnroe behaved like a petulant child and should have been made to stand on the naughty step to have a good think about what he'd done, after his 'cannot be serious' whining, but instead he became some sort of much-loved shaker-up of a fusty old Wimbledon tradition. Maybe Nalbandian will be seen as a pioneer in the fight back against stifling officialdom in the future, when tennis has changed into a post-apocalyptic no-holds-barred fight to the death.

He could have, if he hadn't drawn blood. That just never looks good!

Quote: Nogget @ June 18 2012, 2:12 PM BST

when tennis has changed into a post-apocalyptic no-holds-barred fight to the death.

I'd probably watch it then. As it is, soon as the fit Eastern European birds get kicked out, I stop caring.

Good grief tennis is boring.

Even when an argie kicks a pensioner to death it's boring.

Has nothing else happened in the news today?

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