British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 884


Quote: DaButt @ June 14 2012, 3:27 PM BST

From Tuesday:

I'm not surprised his approval ratings are low. He's been sabotaged every step of the way.


Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 14 2012, 4:07 PM BST

How incredibly insensitive billwill - the days of forcing people to leave Britain are long over. Instead, we should have a massive musical number featuring a newly arrived immigrant family being showered with money, our jobs and school places. At the end of the grand finale, we just give all the foreigns in the crowd a flat from the Olympic village.

Rule Britannia, etc.

How about the queen fills in a housing benefit form for the billionth illegal immigrant?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 14 2012, 4:07 PM BST

How incredibly insensitive billwill - the days of forcing people to leave Britain are long over. Instead, we should have a massive musical number featuring a newly arrived immigrant family being showered with money, our jobs and school places. At the end of the grand finale, we just give all the foreigns in the crowd a flat from the Olympic village.

Rule Britannia, etc.

You wanted HISTORIC pageants, that's our real history.


Maybe some travellers could park in the middle of Danny Boyles pretend country side, that'd be nice and British.

Quote: billwill @ June 14 2012, 4:02 PM BST

Or round up all the athletes, chain them head to foot in fake holds and pretend to sail off to the West Indies or Australia.

We're meant to be a ridiculously apologetic nation; I would like the ceremony to display all the different ways in which we say 'sorry', culminating in a dance where people try to get out of each other's way in the street and accidentally stand on each other's feet and end up saying 'sorry' an infinite amount of times. In the rain.

Quote: zooo @ June 14 2012, 4:18 PM BST


You do know it's the one with the black hair they're talking about, where you can only see part of a profile? That very much looks like him, well it looks like his cheeks anyway! The other one is a woman.

I didn't think either of them looked remotely like him!
Maybe it's my eyes.

Quote: sootyj @ June 14 2012, 4:58 PM BST

Maybe some travellers could park in the middle of Danny Boyles pretend country side, that'd be nice and British.


We could put it next to the Polish workers building a mansion from tax payers money for a known Islamic terrorist and his six wives, before a mega Tesco rises from beneath the soil, killing every shop in the village, to a Bollywood version of Land Of Hope And Glory.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 14 2012, 3:39 PM BST

Yeppity doodle. The US Marines have a larger budget then the entire UK MOD. They bought their Harriers brand spanking new and are using our scrap ones for bits and bobbins.

The equipment scandals of the MOD are beyond depressing. In I believe the last 3 wars that the UK has been involved in against enemies with a meaningful airforce (Gulf 1+2 and Kosovo). The RAF has had to have it planes escorted by fighters from Dutch, French or even Danish airforces. Despite the RAF being amongst the most skilled and capable airforces in the world. Because they've had nothing but the near useless Tornado to fly.
It can't stand upto export 80s-90s economy/export Mig 29s.

And now they've dumped the Harrier to keep the Tornado flying. Meaning the RAF has given up 2 of its most useful capabilities. That of being able to set up on improvised airfields any where in the world or provide aircover and support to the carrier fleet. And they made the cut to be able to afford the eurofighter which about a decade late still can't drop and target bombs its self. And is generally agreed to be likely to be out of date the time it comes into use. (oh and the UK has about a 100 more than it needs so its selling them to every dictatorial shit hole wants them, whilst cutting the price to compete with superior Russian models)

When you bare in mind that the MOD has one of the worlds largest budgets it makes you despair. Why can't the Government accept we're an influential small nation with a need of military to match?

Quote: zooo @ June 14 2012, 4:18 PM BST


The one on the left looks exactly like him.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 14 2012, 7:00 PM BST


We could put it next to the Polish workers building a mansion from tax payers money for a known Islamic terrorist and his six wives, before a mega Tesco rises from beneath the soil, killing every shop in the village, to a Bollywood version of Land Of Hope And Glory.

And we could decorate the trees with farmers who hanged themselves after the mixture of EU legislation and impossible supermarket demands drove them out of business.

Then Group 4 security could beat the crap out of the entire audience. As by wanting to see the Olympics they're clearly terrorists and they probably have been to Burger King, And every one knows the official junk food vendor is McDonalds. Then some one smokes a fag outside and the RAF mistakes it for a chemical attack and bombs the whole stadium. Whilst a giant zepellin with toilets circles over head so Laksi Mhittal and Roman Abromavich can shit on everyone. And then its revealed that there are so many illegal workers from Asia working on the stadium. It's declared a caliphate of Al Quaeda and the US Marines napalm the whole thing with our own Harriers.
And the Queen watches the whole look with the expression of someone who's just found out that they've got AIDs and pregnant and their not sure if the culprit is Nick Griffin or Lenny Henry.

Quote: chipolata @ June 14 2012, 4:31 PM BST

I'm not surprised his approval ratings are low. He's been sabotaged every step of the way.

A load of steaming bullshit, but it really shouldn't matter because the president keeps saying that the economy is doing fine. :S

Quote: sootyj @ June 14 2012, 7:15 PM BST

And we could decorate the trees with farmers who hanged themselves after the mixture of EU legislation and impossible supermarket demands drove them out of business.

Then Group 4 security could beat the crap out of the entire audience. As by wanting to see the Olympics they're clearly terrorists and they probably have been to Burger King, And every one knows the official junk food vendor is McDonalds. Then some one smokes a fag outside and the RAF mistakes it for a chemical attack and bombs the whole stadium. Whilst a giant zepellin with toilets circles over head so Laksi Mhittal and Roman Abromavich can shit on everyone. And then its revealed that there are so many illegal workers from Asia working on the stadium. It's declared a caliphate of Al Quaeda and the US Marines napalm the whole thing with our own Harriers.
And the Queen watches the whole look with the expression of someone who's just found out that they've got AIDs and pregnant and their not sure if the culprit is Nick Griffin or Lenny Henry.

Now that's more like it. I'll get you waving a Union Jack sponsored by a Spanish celebrity rag and a Korean car maker before the day is out.

I'm all for back to basics.

Two blokes in 70's tracksuits jog on with a green mat.
Boris runs on, does a rolly-polly, plays the National Anthem on the recorder then f**ks off.
We could save £82 million and it would bea little less embarrassing.
We could even claim it was 'ironic'.

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