British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 873

Oh god.

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2012, 11:04 PM BST

Didn't you set up such a thread?

No. That would have made me some kind of meglamaniac.

Decides he can't be bothered to write a second sketch.

As Sootyj suspects WillCamm forces his put upon staff team to act them out.

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2012, 11:09 PM BST

Decides he can't be bothered to write a second sketch.

As Sootyj suspects WillCamm forces his put upon staff team to act them out.

Will Cam plays all the parts himself because he is a meglamaniac.

Whilst the team watch ala a Clockwork Orange?

*cough* megalomaniac *cough*

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 12 2012, 11:16 PM BST

*cough* megalomaniac *cough*

*Curses intermittent spellcheck

*Curses RCP for getting one on him

Quote: Will Cam @ June 12 2012, 11:22 PM BST

*Curses intermittent spellcheck

*Curses RCP for getting one up him

Oooh that mischevious RCP!

Quote: Nat Wicks @ June 12 2012, 2:19 PM BST

It's bizarre to me that liberal and PC are used as insults. I mean, if someont in the street spat "oi you liberal" at me, I'd be all like "er yeah, thanks?".

I absolutely 100% believe that violent criminals should not get the right to vote and that Brussells should go f**k itself.

I'll promise not to tell any of your liberal friends where you read your news from though.

EU institutions in Brussels do not make ECHR judgements as anyone who has a basic smattering of legal knowledge has tried to tell Daily Mail/Sun readers about a 1000 times (to no avail) in the past year.

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2012, 10:56 PM BST

A crazy dutch artist who turned his dead cat into a working remote control helicopter.

That is actually quite awesome. If he was alive he would be having so much fun.

It would scare all the mice into surrendering.

Quote: youngian @ June 12 2012, 11:27 PM BST

I'll promise not to tell any of your liberal friends where you read your news from though.

EU institutions in Brussels do not make ECHR judgements as anyone who has a basic smattering of legal knowledge has tried to tell Daily Mail/Sun readers about a 1000 times (to no avail) in the past year.

No, but they still make human rights recommendations. I read neither of those things.

No bird would ever be safe. It is the stuff of a starling's nightmares.

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2012, 11:37 PM BST

It would scare all the mice into surrendering.

Mice? Think of all the options for catching birds!

But I must sensibly add that I find it a little grotesque.

I now don't just smile I start humming "free as a bird"when I see it

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