British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 851

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 7 2012, 1:34 PM BST

Yes, this old urban myth. I presume that you can back up this fable with official stats, gathered by a completely independent body which has not one trace of hidden agenda? You got me there.

Did you watch either the Royal Wedding or the Jubilee Celebrations? Do you think that the crowds were CGI'ed in like in Lord of the Rings? Have you been to the Changing of the Guard? Have you not seen all the crappy tourist crap emblazoned with Royal tat? Have you seen the way news organisations around the globe report on everything to do with British royalty?

If you don't want to believe stats, you don't have to, but to deny your own eyes and cognitive abilities seems to be madness.

I get it, the Royals may not be as popular as Dizzy Rascal in your part of South London, but petty jealousies and envious republicanism doesn't make it correct.

Next on Stylee Today: Is the sky blue? Where is the evidence? Stylee talks to Colonel Thunderbird J. Napoleon the Sixteenth of the Illuminati Is Out To Get Us Organisation (Peckham Branch) after the break.

Nice evasion René. My remark that you quoted referred to the (alleged) benefits of the UK monarchy to the people. Nothing to do with popularity.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 7 2012, 1:50 PM BST

Nice evasion René. My remark that you quoted referred to the costs. Nothing to do with popularity.

Well if you want to break it down into pounds and pence, I'd say a good rule of thumb would be to compare the Queen with any other highly paid celebrity.

Compare and contrast how much they are paid, the audiences they pull in and if any of them are defenders of the faith and head of the armed forces.

I think 60 years of Her Maj has probably generated more money for this country then Rooney, Beckham and the Beatles put together.

That said imagine how hilarious it would be if the royals were replaced by baboons

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 7 2012, 1:55 PM BST

I think 60 years of Her Maj has probably generated more money for this country then Rooney, Beckham and the Beatles put together.

You'd better sit down, René. This is going to come as a shock.

After 60 years of Her Maj, the country is in debt up to its eyeballs and has been since long before she succeeded to the throne. There is no money in the UK coffers. In fact, money doesn't actually exist. It's credit (debt).

The only profit she has generated has been for her benefit and her family's.. and her praetorians', of course.

They all got richer. Much much richer. The people got bigger and bigger debt.

Still.. when it all goes tits up, they'll all naff 'orf to some sumptuous bolthole on Geneva High Street, leaving the people to sort out the whole bloody mess.

I can see it now: them being cheered as they say their adieus at RAF Northolt.. you in the crowd wiping a tear away.. all live on BBC1.

Why did you edit out the joke about the baboons?

It didn't work. I wanted a "red white and blue" arse reference, but the white bit was tricky to work in.. have you ever seen a Mandrill's buttock callosities? White bits are hard to find.. unless René's been there first, of course.

Soldier on..

I've seen a mandrill's face but declined to see his arse.
Not to worry, STT, I'm sure you'll soon come up with something witty.

Don't hold your breath.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 7 2012, 2:26 PM BST

You'd better sit down, René. This is going to come as a shock.

After 60 years of Her Maj, the country is in debt up to its eyeballs and has been since long before she succeeded to the throne. There is no money in the UK coffers. In fact, money doesn't actually exist. It's credit (debt).

The only profit she has generated has been for her benefit and her family's.. and her praetorians', of course.

They all got richer. Much much richer. The people got bigger and bigger debt.

Still.. when it all goes tits up, they'll all naff 'orf to some sumptuous bolthole on Geneva High Street, leaving the people to sort out the whole bloody mess.

I can see it now: them being cheered as they say their adieus at RAF Northolt.. you in the crowd wiping a tear away.. all live on BBC1.

You seem very invested in this issue, Stylee. Not that being invested in an issue is a bad thing, but it reminds me a bit of DaButt and his gun obsession.

Quote: chipolata @ June 7 2012, 3:08 PM BST

it reminds me a bit of DaButt and his gun obsession.

Obsession? Not even close.

Quote: chipolata @ June 7 2012, 3:08 PM BST

You seem very invested in this issue, Stylee. Not that being invested in an issue is a bad thing, but it reminds me a bit of DaButt and his gun obsession.

I love it when you talk dirty, you 26,130-poster, you..

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 7 2012, 2:26 PM BST

You'd better sit down, René. This is going to come as a shock.

After 60 years of Her Maj, the country is in debt up to its eyeballs and has been since long before she succeeded to the throne.

Well then Stylee, you also better sit down for a shock - Britain nearly went totally bankrupt in the 1970s and the only thing that saved the economy were the actions of David Stirling (founder of the SAS) and the British Royal Family.

Thanks to several billion pound arms deals with the Middle East, we staved off a real recession. Things are bad now but this country is by no means bankrupt, which it would have been if those deals hadn't gone through.

It's very easy to brush off the Royal Family as ineffectual figure heads, but they do a lot of wheeling and dealing for the British economy behind the scenes. As someone who seems to be highly intelligent and enjoys doing some research, I'd take a closer look at how these things work if I were you.

Rule Brittania! Wave

Old Vladimir Putin is at it again. From suppressing protests in Russia, to poisoning the Ukranian Prime Minister to support the Assad regime in Syria, he really is a Bond villain come to life.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 7 2012, 4:06 PM BST

Vlad for President.

For life!

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